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strangerNstrangeland t1_j2fkcmw wrote

Um- WTF dude. ratzinger, former hitler youth/brown shirt member is the one we are ok with dying. Francis is actually trying to make some changes and institute some accountability.


Th3yKilled-K3nny OP t1_j2fl714 wrote

Go on m8 get angry at me I am sure it’s helping. I don’t believe the Catholic Church is actually for the good. Just because they advertise they’re doing good doesn’t mean shit.


strangerNstrangeland t1_j2fo093 wrote

Who said I was angry? I’m no fan of the church. all of the horrible shit they’ve done is real . But unfortunately it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.. Francis is one of the few influences to minimize the damage. If he goes, he’ll be replaced by someone far more conservative, reactionary and toxic.

I’m sorry you feel the need to project your rage


Th3yKilled-K3nny OP t1_j2fpdvj wrote

The ole switch arooo. Just because it’s not going away doesn’t mean you should accept it regardless. People believing it and accepting it is kinda the problem. I don’t believe he has minimised any damage he has just covered it up and believing being apart of the system to change the system is all good it’s just the planet shows it doesn’t work.

I spend my rage on video games m8 this is just a shitty meme I made in a few minutes. Happy New Year


wimpykidfan37 t1_j2fmi6v wrote

Is it bad that the name "Francis Pope" reminds me of Big Nate?