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EPaladin t1_j2e8vui wrote

... fireworks. Legal here for six hours, so turn it into 60. It is total explosive chaos. Half of it illegal. Every years dozens of people sent to burn wards, a few eyes blown out, fingers blasted of and a couple of cop cars, bus stops and we'll the usual assortment of trashcan, mail boxes and gardens....


frutselopa t1_j2eanwy wrote

Yup, but its tradition so we'll just keep doing it anyway👍


ShrekTitties420 t1_j2fgs5q wrote

It's fun and fuck having it taken away, they have limited a fuck ton of it already and we pay enough taxes


EPaladin t1_j2eba7u wrote

Just like zwarte-piet. But we did make nitrous oxide illegal.... It was to dangerous.


hahaha69420hahaha t1_j2fo40s wrote

Lets have a moment of silence for the lost prullenbakken, bushokjes en verkeersborden