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Aquietbro111 t1_j2bo0rg wrote

It's funny how incest is actually a sin but there is some in the bible


Damaged_Eidolon t1_j2c603n wrote

Where does it say it's a sin? Not condoning it, just don't think it's biblical. Hell, Abraham married his half-sister and he's pretty high up the biblical hierarchy


NightimeNinja t1_j2cs5cr wrote

Idk why you got downvoted, it's an understandable question.


Damaged_Eidolon t1_j2cvej5 wrote

Thanks. Seems like Lev 18:6 would have covered it. Lev 18:26-27 also covers those that did it in their history. It's a shame the way it's translated into KJV, though. Having Jewish friends, I don't trust this interpretation, knowing the division/contention of 18:22.


NightimeNinja t1_j2cvnng wrote

Personally, I don't trust the bible overall due to the various mistranslations. I wish people would actually study it instead of reading a modern verse and just accepting it at face value right away.