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HomieDaClown9 t1_j2bvyna wrote

Nasty little hobbitses


Assasin_on_fire t1_j2cflkq wrote

worst music artist ever seen. Plus a thief.


Jay__Kaay t1_j2e8yip wrote

Plus rapist but it's a woman so who cares right


BringBackDanelaw t1_j2cr51m wrote

"Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me.

Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me"

  • Hans Christian Andersen, 1850

MorganFreemansMole t1_j2f0a5c wrote

Every time I see her face I get angry. There is just something so trashy about her entire being. Good meme.


DaJoker231 t1_j2do2d9 wrote

This is the law of amber turd


GhostOfTonyFerguson t1_j2fgc80 wrote

They're called tits. They aren't new. They've been weaponized for centuries.


Wizards_Reddit t1_j2dipp9 wrote

Tbh I don’t get that song. Ring doesn’t rhyme with Clean. Songs are meant to rhyme, it’s what makes them a song. But that part is literally just a dumb sentence. It’s dumb


SweetDirect8006 t1_j2fqtwb wrote

Songs don't have to rhyme.


Wizards_Reddit t1_j2ftxfu wrote

They’re not as good if they don’t rhyme


SweetDirect8006 t1_j2fu5zi wrote

Not even remotely true.


Wizards_Reddit t1_j2fu81p wrote

100% true


SweetDirect8006 t1_j2fujb5 wrote

Stairway to Heaven


Wizards_Reddit t1_j2fv4fx wrote

I dont think I've heard that song, who made it? I mightve heard it but I cant remember. If they dont rhyme theyre just poetry


SweetDirect8006 t1_j2fvxac wrote

Bruh it's a Led Zeppelin song. It's definitely a song. Songs don't have to rhyme. Also, songs are technically short poems anyways.


Wizards_Reddit t1_j2fwdts wrote

Oh, wait. I wasnt saying 'Stairway to Heaven' wasnt a song. I was going back to what I'd said before. Sorry if I didnt make that clear. Maybe I should've put that last sentence as a separate paragraph. From the short clip of the WAP I heard its not just that the line doesnt rhyme, it didnt sound like it matched the tempo of the song, like she stopped the song and just said a sentence.


SweetDirect8006 t1_j2fxbiw wrote

Oh, my bad. Anyways, I still don't think songs have to rhyme, "Stairway to Heaven" being a good example.

Also, WAP kinda sucks. No disagreement there.


CrazyCat5749 t1_j2ds7dd wrote

Hey when was the second photo taken? It looks like the one on top but the woman looks younger. . . .

Lol anyone else think that golem/WhateverTFhisnamewas is actually kinda cute in the way he talks?


YeetmongerExtra t1_j2cf83l wrote

So am I missing something or is OP just saying that he wants a slave?


Bapa_burger OP t1_j2cgdfs wrote

Watch Lord of the Rings


YeetmongerExtra t1_j2cgy54 wrote

Good to know it's not the latter. That being said, would you be so kind as to explain the joke to me with minimal spoilers?


SufficientBox4418 t1_j2chppw wrote

He steals the ring from the other man in the picture by killing him.


YeetmongerExtra t1_j2cl6wz wrote

Fair, considering this is Cardi B.


Bapa_burger OP t1_j2clw1b wrote

Looool. Yeah I think honestly just the intro of Return of the King will clue you in perfectly. We are all just LOTR nerds so the punchline hits nicely