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shenther t1_j6mhzsp wrote

The worst part is they are stopping support of windows 10 after saying they wouldn't. I still refuse to use windows 11 and I loved vista and 8.1. 11 is just terrible and they won't listen to the complaints.


fuckingshitfucj2 t1_j6nryvi wrote

Wait what? They said they’d stop the support in October 14, 2025


shenther t1_j6osu8y wrote

When they released windows 10 they said that it would be the last operating system to be released by them. They would update it so hard it would basically cycle through new systems. Then windows 11 came out and people were confused so Microsoft clarified they changed their mind. Later they gave a date that windows 10 would stop receiving support. They try to play innocent by saying free windows 11 upgrade.


_Vard_ t1_j6n2413 wrote

Anyone else feel like windows 10 has been getting intentionally buggier lately?


Bubbachew8 t1_j6nrjs3 wrote

Sounds like the classic make the old stuff shitty so people use the new stuff


TheRealDutchEmpire t1_j6mjl69 wrote

But what about the tabs in explorer, CMD, and notepad? I like those.


Charles12_13 t1_j6mlt4v wrote

To be fair, it has some legitimate good features.

Then it fucking ruined customization, the photo viewing app and Shell Infrastructure Host is a problem again


A_Yawn t1_j6neusa wrote

Any new OS will tend to be buggy soon after release. They'll keep patching it until it's actually usable in 1-2 yrs. Until then just downgrade back to windows 10 and wait it out.


Maras123 t1_j6mjim6 wrote

I still use Windows 7 and will never change.


keep_trying_username t1_j6nyv6h wrote

Windows logo looks too much like a swastika, so Windows nein was skipped.


where_didIcome_from t1_j6o1jjo wrote

No I think the name is accurate. Watch this:

11 - bad 10 - good 8 - bad 7 - good Vista - bad XP - good