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Potatooooes_123 t1_j6gds7x wrote

nothing is stopping you. nobody should have any say on what you do in your private moments. would still make you bi or lesbian tho


thegapbetweenus t1_j6hjugh wrote

You seem to be quite hung up on categorising people. Why do you even care how somebody is labelling themselves?


banananas_are_sick24 t1_j6gqday wrote

Genitals don’t make sexuality, gender does


Potatooooes_123 t1_j6hi9eb wrote

no. Genitals are important for sexuality. why trans struggle to understand this simple concept really confuses me.


Sir_Honytawk t1_j6ie57z wrote

Gender is psychological, just like your sexuality.
Genitals and sex are biological.