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BigRedChi t1_j6ou1eh wrote

I don't understand the mentality of "Let's pander to these minority groups and change the race of these characters, thereby alienating our original audience and not gaining a new one since they won't watch it anyways."


Ill-Manufacturer8654 t1_j6paxbu wrote

Well they don't assume their original audience is a racist who's going to get alienated by minorities on the show.


Absolutely_Nobodyy t1_j6nm9sv wrote

Nah. It’s just general disgust in all of life at this point. Not just Netflix


SenseiTizi t1_j6npyt9 wrote

Excuse me? That is just straight up racist lol


jatowi t1_j6nvvd8 wrote

How on earth do you conclude racism from 'general' and 'all of...'??


SenseiTizi t1_j6nwa92 wrote

Context, u should try it, its a usefull tool


jatowi t1_j6nx0qb wrote

Hah. Replying, yet not answering. Using words, yet not communicating anything. At least the process of thought seems to be coherent here


SenseiTizi t1_j6nxlls wrote

If i actually need to explain to u now why its racist to say its disgusting to see white males in general, i dont think i can say the same about ur thought process


jatowi t1_j6o9gha wrote

I don't think that's what they meant. My interpretation of parent comment reads "as a white male, I generally feel that my environment is disgusted by me (for being a white male), in all aspects of life", whereas you seem to have interpreted differently (>its disgusting to see white males in general).


Absolutely_Nobodyy t1_j6nralu wrote

Speaking as a white man who has revived shit tons of hate. Try me.

Bro thinks my personal experience in life is racist.

People are jokes nowadays…


nicolasmcfly t1_j6phh97 wrote

I decided to try you.

Fuck never again, don't look at his profile. Best troll ever


Zenitram t1_j6nowtu wrote

All you gotta do is make sure he gets pounded in the ass and it makes up for his CIS-Hetero-White birth defects.


SirToaster933 t1_j6omq6l wrote

I guess Chris Hemsworth wasn't actually in Extraction?


yatseg t1_j6oyvjd wrote

After all these years i finally saw a guy in sunglasses. My life is complete!


MyMansInComatose t1_j6nvncl wrote

If you're going to make a white male character, don't make it a carbon copy of every other white male character, like idk bend the rules make him a redhead, cut off a leg and make him have a problem with that for ✨character development✨,

maybe reflect on the struggles of their relationship with their best friend, after years of work has distanced them,

it's not hard to make a fun character, those were just some of the examples


keep_trying_username t1_j6ojsx4 wrote

> If you're going to make a white male character, don't make it a carbon copy of every other white male character,

Black characters: so hard being black

Latino characters: so hard being latino

Female characters: so hard being female

White male characters: DON'T BE CARBON COPY CHARACTER!!!!!


[deleted] t1_j6oxfvd wrote

What about Jeffrey Dahmer? Mean he isn't fictional but still, he's unique to say the least


[deleted] t1_j6oxjj8 wrote

Jeffrey Dahmer?


[deleted] t1_j6p94c4 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6p9kff wrote

Yeah? There is a show about him on Netflix which is why I wrote it here, the most nerdy white guy ever was Jeff Dahmer


[deleted] t1_j6p9tr3 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6pabdz wrote

Yeah! I know but what's the problem? The post was about shows and there is a show


Bright-Repeat-4616 t1_j6phi7c wrote

Yeah but the argument was probably about a being a white straight cisgender guy on Netflix, not a gay psycho serial killer, that by the way I didn’t saw any “specific community” lamenting the fact that Dahmer was interpreted by a white straight guy instead of a gay man even if that is rapresentation too, or maybe that was not the thing that they wanted am I right?


s1mplestar t1_j6nm0c0 wrote

White and Sigma


Mathieulombardi t1_j6nnlhp wrote

White male pc gamers, were the most oppressed minority

Stop oprrwssijg me!


shinobi500 t1_j6o1a8d wrote

Hang in there guys. No longer being represented as 90% of the cast in TV and movies is a terrible injustice. Your perseverance against this blatant oppression is truly inspiring.


ngiotis t1_j6o5oto wrote

Your being extremely disingenuous. You know danm well it's not about the amount. It's about changing characters. It's about making every male character let alone white male, a bumbling idiot who can't wipe his own ass. While he's replaced with generic diverse female character thats perfect and great at everything so she never struggles, never learns, and is exactly the same at the beginning and end of a movie or show. It's fucking boring and outright hateful at times. You need characters with flaws,motivations, and struggles to have a story


keep_trying_username t1_j6ojdhy wrote

> a bumbling idiot who can't wipe his own ass

There are other options for white men:

  • An evil corporate lawyer working for big oil who will "get what he deserves."

  • A gay man with lots of gay character development.

  • A white man who apologizes for being a a white man.


ngiotis t1_j6ojyjh wrote

Fair enough lol. Also the shrill man child who can't control his emotions archeytype aka kylo ren.


shinobi500 t1_j6o8etd wrote

Dude. I grew up watching everyone who even remotely looked like me in a movie be either a terrorist or a cab driver or both. I didnt really hear a while lot of uproar about that at the time. Its just was. Meanwhile Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra and Ben Kingsley played Gandhi. It just was. Again, no one was complaining.

It's hilarious that you think the current representation of white males in TV is even remotely equivalent to that when all that's happening is that casting is beginning to reflect what society actually looks like from a demographic standpoint.


outland_king t1_j6oibmz wrote

so it's ok because someone else suffered through it? that's terrible justification.

also the issue isn't that non-whites are in media, that's great. The issue is shit like the new Rings of Power or Velma, where established characters are being changed for no reason than pandering to the audience. 99% of these complaints are about "blackwashing" existing characters instead of just making new characters. It's insulting to people of color that they can't stand by themselves. It's insulting that corporations think they have to ride the success of previous franchises.


shinobi500 t1_j6ophdi wrote

That's a strawman argument. No one said that past suffering justifies current suffering. To be perfectly clear I'm saying that it's a false equivalence to begin with and there is no suffering or discrimination when it comes to white male representation in media just because staistically speaking they are cast less than they have been historically.

As for "established characters being changed" there are definitely two sides to that argument. Both make valid points so I won't knock on you either way regardless of what your position is there. But that's not what this meme was saying and it's not what I was talking about either.
