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FantasticChipmunk918 t1_j6mbosp wrote

I seriously don't know people are hating this episode ?
It is a fucking beauty!!
It was so good of an episode


abqguardian t1_j6o8s2q wrote

It was fine but why can't shows just stick to the game? A live action make of the game would have been the best.


Ytcnnsbv t1_j6pc5nd wrote

We already saw the game and already knew how it was going to end. I want to look other characters’ perspective in this post-apocalyptic world other than Ellie and Joel. So, basically “shhh… let people enjoy things”


deedz1987 t1_j6oi87q wrote

Yeah. Bill is best alive, angry, bitter and yelling at Ellie for touching his naked man magazine.
