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wellendowedfuckstick t1_j6iydqb wrote

It tends to be that people successful in the private sector tend to have a problem with how the US government handles the peoples money. I certainly ain't no billionaire but I definitely have to agree, if I have to budget for eggs then they can hold a bake sale for Ukraine war budget.


Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6ju81n wrote

> they can hold a bake sale for Ukraine war budget

Thank you for this. Getting started on a recipe to patent and sell to a government agency. I'll name it (the) Government Brownie.


Swampwizzard232 t1_j6k4zg9 wrote

They already have a brownie recipe. It's called MIL-C-44072C I wish I was joking 😂


Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6kihde wrote

This is richness which must be addressed.

I'll cut & paste select blurbs from this / our ongoing thread, scribble a brief as to its 'reddit-casual' context, and send to Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files series, letting him know that within 7 to ten days I can then link him a second draft rough of a script for his approval.

Thanks for the primer.


wellendowedfuckstick t1_j6jze0o wrote

I like this


Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6k3uri wrote


Ya know, we could kick around some logo designs, some press release copy, even knock-out an invitational vidclip for their first established status -- showcasing say in a kiosk next to a dispensary or two over in Colorado.

Mile High's The Limit^^^TM


SaiHottari t1_j6jiri3 wrote

Gotta vote for politicians that put their own country first. 'course, some people think that's racist somehow. But that just works for Uncle Sam, so he's not going to argue.