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DogeDoRight t1_j6irqpl wrote

Wonder how that tesla stock is doing lol


wellendowedfuckstick t1_j6iydqb wrote

It tends to be that people successful in the private sector tend to have a problem with how the US government handles the peoples money. I certainly ain't no billionaire but I definitely have to agree, if I have to budget for eggs then they can hold a bake sale for Ukraine war budget.


Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6k3uri wrote


Ya know, we could kick around some logo designs, some press release copy, even knock-out an invitational vidclip for their first established status -- showcasing say in a kiosk next to a dispensary or two over in Colorado.

Mile High's The Limit^^^TM


Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6kihde wrote

This is richness which must be addressed.

I'll cut & paste select blurbs from this / our ongoing thread, scribble a brief as to its 'reddit-casual' context, and send to Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files series, letting him know that within 7 to ten days I can then link him a second draft rough of a script for his approval.

Thanks for the primer.