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rambossian t1_j6m37fq wrote

Reply to comment by Vierstigma in Just a Tribute by Tanked6

So we painted the first thing that came into our heads, and it just so happened to be


Kamouflauge t1_j6m3d86 wrote

The best painting in the woooorld, it was the best painting in the woooorld


LexLutfisk t1_j6m6sc6 wrote

Look into my eyes and it's easy to see


newroeliedude554 t1_j6m7c0x wrote

1 and 1 is 2 Yellow and blue make green

It was destiny


ara9ond t1_j6mvjoz wrote

You seven individuals deserve to win the internets. All of them.


Lezxcvbv t1_j6mwc8q wrote

I didn't know Tenacious D or Tribute existed until like a month ago and lemme tell you, it has been the best month music-wise since.


Feistydeg t1_j6mb6fr wrote

Since when did JB get such a smooth beard