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Spoobie90 t1_j6mvpem wrote

And like any good Millennial, I blame Gen X.


OddCockpitSpacer t1_j6mzwvv wrote

Na. My biggest one was chickening out from buying 500 bitcoins in 2009.


acmewilecoyote t1_j6n24kx wrote

Dave Ramsey...." Why don't you have 5 jobs ? No wonder you're poor. "


MavDrake OP t1_j6njwab wrote

Old enough to remember making fun of my super geek friend who was mining it before it was really anything of value....

Dude should've been a millionaire but lost the hard drive over many moves over the years.


RudolfMaster t1_j6oebxd wrote

"Imagine not investing 200% of your income and working 34 hours a day"


keep_trying_username t1_j6oin35 wrote

As a homeowner (bought my first home 5 years), I'm glad that I spent a period of time buckling down and getting my shit together.

It may not have been feasible for you to have done well in the past, financially speaking, but there may be something you can do about it in the future.

You know who doesn't get ahead? The people who complain about how everything is unfair; the people who claim the good advice, is unreasonable advice; the people who act like the world is against them, or corporations are holding them down. You can pick them out just by listening to them, or seeing what they post online.


MavDrake OP t1_j6olftu wrote

Look, I bought my first home back in 2006... Even then the market was high for the times... as that was the year before the bubble popped.

Fast forward to today... its not the same as 2007's crash but in ways it is. The system is broke, exploited to the max. Folks are sitting in overpriced dwellings they can't afford. There are those in ARM's that are cracking abet not as many as 2007.

Were at a crossroads where 3 things need to happen before the floor drops out.

  1. Homes need a HUGE market correction. Like a rollback like we've never seen before.
  2. Wages need to be raised, dramatically cut into the stagnation.
  3. Housing reforms.
    1. Ban the corporations from buying homes.
    2. Ban STR.
    3. Incentives for builder to build new properties with sale price caps.
    4. We should really look at putting in asset caps. Like you can only own 2 properties max and anything extra will incur increasable taxes rates.

Those are just some ideas... that nobody would like...


LlorxYT t1_j6otefe wrote

My biggest financial mistake was selling all my 5 bitcoins for 1000€ back in the days, and never returning to crypto because it was stressful.

Until I returned to crypto almost 2 years ago and I'm definetely fucking unlucky with this shit.


ManoloBarro t1_j6oygnc wrote

Crypto is a cero-sum game. If anybody made money with crypto, it was made by taking from others. Even stuff like bitcoin has to follow that.

If you didn't made any money with crypto on the mania, at least you should be able to sleep soundly.


serf17 t1_j6p23e2 wrote

"Your biggest finnancial mistake was being born"