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Blyeaston t1_j6nih16 wrote

Until we “meat” again


jackand0101 t1_j6nw939 wrote

Pigs are the greatest support animals!


Ulfvaldr989 t1_j6nexl0 wrote

Does the term "emotional support animal" cover dead animals? I would assume not by definition its more a corpse and not an animal once dead.


Mathieulombardi t1_j6np91n wrote

We already know this. It's why we stuff ourselves


[deleted] t1_j6no09n wrote



Myth2156 OP t1_j6nqf2i wrote

To be honest this is a slippery slope, and on both sides.

People who believe everyone should abandon meat and animal products are delusional. If they want to do it then sure, go for it, but expecting everybody to do that is something I cannot fathom. Not everyone can afford to do that, be it for financial reasons or health reasons.

There is nothing wrong with eating meat (and using/eating most of the animal products*) and raising animals just for turning them into food, but there should be stricter regulations on how the animals are treated and maintained.

The way some mass animal farms (idk the exact name for these) treat their animals is truly horrible and utterly terrifying.

[*The reason I said 'Most' is because some animal products like Shark fins, Ivory, predator claws and teeth are gathered just as 'luxury' items and nothing more]


LiveLoveLaughable t1_j6nwwtw wrote

I think it's better that there are no animals living in terrible conditions and being slaughtered in terrible ways. Too often in the meat industrie one or both happens.

Now you can eat meat from animals that had a nice life and a fast dead. That would make it okay for me to kill them - because its their life I have problems with, not the fact it ends.

Then there is also the whole climate and environment reason to not eat meat, or eat a whole less. It saves a ton of animal food (that can go to humans) clean water, space and CO2. But that another argument, which for some vegetarians is a more important reason and for others a less important reason.