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Blackbeard-14 t1_j6lqsv5 wrote

Anybody here after watching Velma?


Dangerous-Dick-1999 t1_j6lx2c6 wrote

Watching a show or movie is like eating for me. If it's bad and I don't like it, I'll avoid it like the plague and forget about it completely. Just like that Star Wars trilogy that must not be named.


kbrad604 t1_j6locwa wrote

The irony is me hate watching the new MSTK3000 on Netflix.


Prophet132 t1_j6mbm5v wrote

This is sort of an entertainment though, it's simmilar to watching a really bad football team. Should they get huge amounts of money for their performance? No. But at the same time you can have fun watching them stumble through the field and get dumpstered by a far better team