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MaveeL t1_j6myf0b wrote

Honestly I’m still trying to figure out which one I feel is right for me. I know this sounds stupid but I have to do some more research to figure out which one is right for me.


PepperBun28 t1_j6n138w wrote

Cool. Personally I'm a member of the Temple. Less actual belief in The Devil as a deity and more usjng symbolism to empower self worth, and rules lawering conservatives trying to insert religion into politics


MaveeL t1_j6n2wht wrote

I’m also against religion being mixed into politics. I support women’s reproductive rights too. (I’m a woman) I do enjoy indulging myself in things I enjoy but I take care of my kids & help my wife with stuff first whenever she needs help with something. My wife is the one who works while I stay at home with the kids. Unfortunately I suffer from schizophrenia, severe depression, a severe anxiety disorder & PTSD. I had a horrifically abusive Bible beating mother growing up. Tbh, I’ve attempted suicide 9 times in my life. I’ve been leaning more towards joining the TST but I’m not sure if they’ll accept me since I’m mentally ill.


PepperBun28 t1_j6n37ll wrote

Mental illness won't preclude you from joining, as far as I know. For my partner and I it was literally as simple as registering on their website for the local chapter