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Stay_Hydrated_Boys t1_j6kz79i wrote

Aight, who wants to be my friend


BoomBoxBoxBox t1_j6ld49v wrote

Top ten games go


Stay_Hydrated_Boys t1_j6ldcp1 wrote

Of all time? Personal favorites?

Not in any particular order Mario kart wii Halo reach Sea of thieves Super mario world Mortal Kombat 9 Guitar hero 3 Team fortress 2 Left 4 dead 2 Black ops 3 Gears of war 2


GeekyCanada t1_j6m8av5 wrote

Most Mario games, legend of Zelda orcana of time, currently Horizon and Warzone


MaveeL t1_j6l3swn wrote

Im a satanist but I agree with this meme.


PepperBun28 t1_j6l5c23 wrote

Fuck yeah. LaVey or Satanic Temple?


MaveeL t1_j6myf0b wrote

Honestly I’m still trying to figure out which one I feel is right for me. I know this sounds stupid but I have to do some more research to figure out which one is right for me.


PepperBun28 t1_j6n138w wrote

Cool. Personally I'm a member of the Temple. Less actual belief in The Devil as a deity and more usjng symbolism to empower self worth, and rules lawering conservatives trying to insert religion into politics


MaveeL t1_j6n2wht wrote

I’m also against religion being mixed into politics. I support women’s reproductive rights too. (I’m a woman) I do enjoy indulging myself in things I enjoy but I take care of my kids & help my wife with stuff first whenever she needs help with something. My wife is the one who works while I stay at home with the kids. Unfortunately I suffer from schizophrenia, severe depression, a severe anxiety disorder & PTSD. I had a horrifically abusive Bible beating mother growing up. Tbh, I’ve attempted suicide 9 times in my life. I’ve been leaning more towards joining the TST but I’m not sure if they’ll accept me since I’m mentally ill.


PepperBun28 t1_j6n37ll wrote

Mental illness won't preclude you from joining, as far as I know. For my partner and I it was literally as simple as registering on their website for the local chapter


Velocityraptor28 t1_j6ph5ea wrote

religion doesnt matter, so long as you a friend


MaveeL t1_j6pivgd wrote

Would you consider an introverted & weird person a friend? I was both the weird kid & the quiet kid in school & I didn’t really grow out of that, the weirdness just sort of evolved. I’m schizophrenic so it’s not unbelievable that I’m weird but I’m usually quiet unless I’m completely comfortable with who I’m around. I may be antisocial (my abusive mother kept me isolated as much as she could) but I do want friends. Unfortunately social interaction is mentally & emotionally draining for me. I’m terrible at picking up on social cues nor do I understand them. I’m basically a lost cause so I don’t try to make friends because I wouldn’t want to waste their time. The fact that I have a wife (same sex couple) is shocking. I don’t know what she sees in me.


Velocityraptor28 t1_j6pjgo9 wrote

well, i am also weird, so i relate... maybe not to all of it, but i get it yknow? so yeah, i think so long as you arent rude or mean or anything i could absolutely consider you friend


GeekyCanada t1_j6m85be wrote

He’s not wrong. Follow in Christ and peace will come into your life


Dangerous-Dick-1999 t1_j6lcxs2 wrote

There's only one solution. Bring your old testament self back.


zombietampons t1_j6lox1s wrote

I thought it was tough love… oops


Wumaobuster t1_j6m7w6z wrote

I'm not Christian but HIIIII GUYS


TheWierdGuy06 t1_j6mf6r1 wrote

I might be an atheist, but I applaude this message


TheWierdGuy06 t1_j6mf7se wrote

I might be an atheist, but I applaude this message


Judah_Earl t1_j6mibld wrote

Didn't he call some woman a dog?