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DogeDoRight t1_j6nq462 wrote

Lower than being hit by a car.

Source: Trust me bro


thedidge1998 t1_j6nqauc wrote

There's 334,000,000 people and 43 mass shootings it's pretty low.


emp-sup-bry t1_j6ns85f wrote

A human way to look at it might be there are likely thousands of other human beings that loved and benefited from those fellow humans that were needlessly murdered already in the first month of the year. This impacts families and communities in ways I hope you never experience but can empathize and act on in a positive way.

This didn’t just impact a group of people that were murdered, but I guess you could approach this less as a human and more as a calculator.


bobsmth269 t1_j6nsjls wrote

There's a larger mass shooting happening in Eastern Europe at the moment.


lifesnotfun t1_j6nt0tp wrote

Don't see any here in Arkansas, so for me it's lower than California


Wassa110 t1_j6o86q0 wrote

Oh wow! Why'd I never think of it that way. It doesn't make it better. You have hundreds of mass shootings a year, and even though it's "low" statistically speaking, it's massively high compared to 99.9% of countries. Unlike you I don't base it on statistics. I base it on comparison. As in which country do I have a lower chance of my niece, and nephew dying while going to school. America's at the bottom of that list mate.
