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Purveyor_Murmrgh t1_j6krlbh wrote

"Legend says the Americans were so mad about the tea taxes they conspired for the next 200 years to make tea cheap for them and then raise the price for the British and their colonies."

-Ronald Reagan or someone idk


LF_redit t1_j6l44u1 wrote

I’m pretty sure it was Abraham Lincoln


BendingGhost t1_j6km9rq wrote

Arizona iced tea grows on trees in Arizona


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6knl84 wrote

I planted an Arizona iced tea tree when I was 5. It's already producing some tea


RadicalizedRaccoon t1_j6mkt4x wrote

Does it produce the cans too? Or is there a plant for that?


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6o8kcs wrote

Nah we have to can it


RadicalizedRaccoon t1_j6obucp wrote



Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6og3t9 wrote

But we don't have to bottle it the tree does that


RadicalizedRaccoon t1_j6ohaon wrote

That’s a bonus at least. Still pissed off about the cans though


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6omln8 wrote

It grows half of a can but doesnt make the other half and it doesnt evwn fill it up


Professional_Gap_371 t1_j6lc9mv wrote

Im so old I remember when Arizona iced tea had honey in a glass bottle. Now its just corn syrup in a can.


PePeWaccabrada t1_j6kozsh wrote

Import tax (which usually only adds like 30% to a product)


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6ku5rf wrote

So that's 30 cents and USD to aud is 1.5 so it should be 1.8 at most


PePeWaccabrada t1_j6kwfmk wrote

Yeah but we all know how corporate raises prices due to “inflation” but keeps them high when inflation goes down


yeahthegoys t1_j6l9bcn wrote

In Australia we include GST in listing price. The bare minimum you could expect it to be sold for is $2.00 AUD Inc GST. prices are more attractive at round numbers so $3.00 makes more sense than $2.30 or $2.50 for example.

That's why


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6l9glp wrote

I live in Australia, technically the drink was 2.90 so still it's baffling


yeahthegoys t1_j6l9nsj wrote

I'd hardly call that baffling. We generally pay more for goods such as food than in America, but other services cost less / are subsidized. It all balances out one way or another


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6lb2xn wrote

It's baffling because I'm an idiot lol. I'm still young and haven't learnt jack shit about gst and all that


jjbananafana t1_j6kteut wrote

It was only like 70 cents at the Walmart I worked at last year. So good.


Wilvinc t1_j6l4663 wrote

I bet your Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is expensive as well.


nicki419 t1_j6m3l1h wrote

.99 USD IS already 1.40 AUD. Take into account import costs, wages of the importer's employees, and AU vat, you don't have a half bad price here.

With that out of the way... It's 1.29 EUR in DE. That's 1.99 AUD. (Had to flex, sorry)


GorillaBiskits69 t1_j6mse2m wrote

All the blood must be going to your head from being upside down all the time


doin-time-907 t1_j6l2tg3 wrote

Lord, it is $2.50 in the vending machine tat the halfway house... Damn!


ronaldreaganlive t1_j6l94tb wrote

Is it just going to magically tansport itself halfway across the globe for free?


Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j6lep1h wrote

Transportation costs, that’s what all the price increases are getting blamed on these days.


Minttoast10371 t1_j6m79b9 wrote

They’re like 75¢ in the Us unless there’s been hyperinflation since I last been in a gas station


no_soy_un_payaso t1_j6m7dps wrote

Bought it for $3 but I had a staff discount 😫😫


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6m8kao wrote

Nah how much is it without the discount


no_soy_un_payaso t1_j6m8m06 wrote

$6.30 I reckon


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6m94bi wrote

Nah that's bullshit was it the 700ml can or however much the can is or the 500 ml bottle


blokkieboon t1_j6m9m47 wrote

Isnt 3 aussi bucks like 1'50 freedom bucks?


Thedorf69420 OP t1_j6m9wxa wrote

No the exchange rate is USD is 1 and is 1.5 so 99 cent is 1.50 in even more freedom bucks


anged16 t1_j6nd3wa wrote

It’s called the “look at these c**ts on an island in Fuck-Knows-Where” tax


MyMansInComatose t1_j6nn3va wrote

Rumor has it everything's overpriced in Australia,

and in America everyone trying to see how fast they can get a hospital bill that will send them to the streets,


FomPan212 t1_j6kn7v8 wrote

australian inflation go brrrrrr


qFloyd_roseq t1_j6koabl wrote

The CEO said he wouldn't raise prices to inflation, so he had to make the profits somewhere.


iscoleslaw t1_j6kod6k wrote

Cost me 4.50 at kosco in nz


Nawt0k t1_j6kqc7i wrote

That's because all delivery drivers get hazard pay anytime they leave their house due to all of the perilous animals and insects abound.


0dHero t1_j6klh5f wrote

Why would you import that stuff so far, anyway?
