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KickballJamal t1_ja1eih5 wrote

Pretty standard. You fill it full of hummus and use it to start a food fight


burnrobe t1_ja1enle wrote

Took the time to color coordinate them but not cut them up.. the nerve.


pegarina1 t1_ja1fajy wrote

Maybe they were serving something that the kids put in it and eat, pretty healthy vessel if they use them like that.


evildead1985 t1_ja1fw18 wrote

Man..all I got was tuna surprise..the surprise? It wasn't real tuna.


Hollybaby5 t1_ja1iulz wrote

My middle schooler just started eating these. They are high in vitamin C and real good for you. Personally I just can’t bite into a raw one.


Jakesummers1 t1_ja1j045 wrote

When I was younger, a woman told me she couldn’t take spicy food. So, she didn’t want a dish of food that included bell pepper


StraightsJacket t1_ja1klor wrote

Honestly if I could get a little oil and salt n pep with it. It be okay.


[deleted] t1_ja1wwr1 wrote

Take 2 half’s, put cream cheese on both, turkey, ham, bacon, salami,cheese, avocado, seasoning of choice, put them together, eat it like a sandwich.


jg_bigboypants t1_ja1z1a1 wrote

Awesome! Wonder if they also had some balsamic vinegar.


ken_NT t1_ja1zyou wrote

Normally I’d cut them into strips to put on a salad or use in a stir fry. Maybe they ran out of time?


mayfleur t1_ja25i3q wrote

They have salad bars in school now??? That’s amazing.


FinePC t1_ja2cjme wrote

I can already hear the cafeteria. CRUNCH CRONCH CRUNCH


Vacations18 t1_ja2z80z wrote

You don't even have to cut them up. It depends on how you want to eat it. You can stuff it or you can break it up and dip it in hummus.


fumblingIdiot2020 t1_ja33j8z wrote

I really like cutting them into triangles and dipping them in hummus. Slam


bitqueso t1_ja33zw9 wrote

This isn’t mildly interesting


csimon2 t1_ja346yj wrote

My daughter (6) has been eating raw peppers since she was 3. Sometimes eats them like an apple (which she doesn’t eat, ironically), but I try to slice them into strips most of the times


allykat90nc t1_ja3col9 wrote

I grill these up for my kids. They absolutely love them


el-em-en-o t1_ja3e4hh wrote

I actually like the idea of them handling food less. I’d just eat it as is.


vibrant_crab t1_ja3h008 wrote

What is this, a school run by David Bowie in the 70s?


Bwadaboss t1_ja3iws9 wrote

My kids started loving these on their cheese and lettuce sandwiches. Just out of blue. Such a healthy thing to eat. Am happy.


jakeyboy723 t1_ja3jnk1 wrote

Everyone in the UK about to turn up here.


H3racIes t1_ja3kxqc wrote

They're really good for you. And the non green ones are more expensive. My school gave a slice of thin cardboard pizza and a bag of chips with like 5 chips in them


Visual_Sport_950 t1_ja3oa99 wrote

I feel like these should be sliced and/or baked whole with a nice filling.


Yqup t1_ja3yrzi wrote

That's pretty damn delicious and nutritious


thesnarkypotatohead t1_ja4477m wrote

I’d be pumped. I eat bell peppers with salad dressing or hummus all the time, they’re great.


chodi-foster t1_ja4hg2m wrote

How much shit food must you eat before finding peppers interesting?


spleef35 t1_ja5zr2m wrote

I would eat that pepper exactly as it is. I love raw peppers!


Mr-Neil-E-O t1_ja6085j wrote

Give me some hummus with that and I’ll be quite content


wiwarez t1_ja6hu1l wrote

Are they trying to kill some kid? My stomach would take days to digest them raw.


cnygreen t1_ja7ky2i wrote

No dude lol they were definitely trying to be helpful. Probably just regurgitating false information they’ve heard in the past. It was not in any way, shape, or form an attempt at being funny, ironic or sarcastic.