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Venerable_Duvet t1_ja08f6w wrote

Wow it's amazing what they can do with canned tuna these days!


DMSC23 t1_ja3wui3 wrote

soap maker here. that isn't "natural" soap in the sense of cold or hot process (how natural soaps are traditionally made). this often happens with sydnet bars (which can be made from natural surfactants, but it's not the same as soap) or soap that has been milled and then run through an extruder, which causes glycerin loss, so the soap isn't bound together very well and it splits as it gets wet and dries out repeatedly


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja42y5l wrote

I wish I could pin this omg, thank you for the helpful and thought out response, i love watching soap making videos on youtube its a cool ass profession


DMSC23 t1_ja45r4x wrote

thanks. yeah, the soap in your pic def looks like it was run through an extruder/plodder, which by no means is necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, it's just a very commercialized process


TH3GINJANINJA t1_ja4wim7 wrote

wanting more natural soap, but i’m worried most places just buy commercial and label it as all natural. got any good brands you know are all natural?


DMSC23 t1_ja51eib wrote

well, I'd tell you my brand, but I don't want to dox myself lol. you'll find a ton of handmade soaps on etsy, but it is hard to know if their products are any good until you try them. unfortunately, a lot of the newer "soapers" are more interested in creating soaps that are more about "design" than actual quality, and they get their recipes from YouTubers, and those recipes tend to be high in coconut oil, which causes soap to be very drying to your skin.

some tips for finding a decent formula:

look for bars that have at least 2 or 3 butters (cocoa, shea, kokum, or cupuacu for example). if coconut oil is the first ingredient, it's probably a pretty drying soap. you want to see a combination of moisturizing oils/butters like castor, sunflower, safflower, hemp, olive, palm, etc.

you also want to avoid soaps with sorbitol or propylene glycol because they're not really handmade soaps, they're really made from a purchased base of what's referred to as "melt and pour" that people then add color and scent to, and while it can make a very pretty soap bar, it's not really what I would consider a quality soap


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja51rog wrote

Omg you could have a whole calls on this your advice is so useful thank you


kryotheory t1_ja0aytz wrote

I try really hard to be environmentally conscious, but the quality of most eco-friendly products is shit. Anyone whose ever had their straw melt in their mouth knows what I mean.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja11pjs wrote

Big companys love to guilt and blame us for using straws and shit while they pump the air with poison and dump into oceans


RevengencerAlf t1_ja22vt2 wrote

To this day people don't realize that the straw thing was the biggest fucking distraction grift, all based on one turtle video and a literal 8th grader doing bad research with no understanding of statistics and science.


zdakat t1_ja2ilzl wrote

Is it more likely that customers collectively forced places to switch to those awful straws, or that those places did it on their own because they hoped to score points with the public?


[deleted] t1_ja2z3q0 wrote



LaneYoungPS t1_ja313i4 wrote

They don’t thought, every company’s incentive is profits, nothing more nothing less.


[deleted] t1_ja317zq wrote



LaneYoungPS t1_ja31ijx wrote

Yes, but in the grand scheme of things similarly to an individual being able to do nothing for the greater good, what good is a mom and pop shop when compared to McDonald’s or apple. It’s feudalism even in the corporate and business sense.


[deleted] t1_ja31zjl wrote



LaneYoungPS t1_ja322td wrote

How’s 80/20?


TakingADumpRightNow t1_ja34207 wrote

So here’s the thing: I was shocked when I learned what percentage of businesses in the us are considered small businesses. I worked with Intuit for a little while and the numbers are wild. Anecdotally it def feels like 80-20 is reasonable, but that’s just because when a fortune 100 company makes a change, we all notice it, and when Jan’s cookies does it, no one does. The numbered are actually probably closer to 20-80. Crazy, I know.


HighNoon1200 t1_ja3i7bo wrote

Every small business near me was required by law to switch to no plastic straws. They never would’ve if not for that.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja4218t wrote

Outside of a few small family stores that got caught up in the stupidity nobody changed to these beverages they wanted to do something good. They did it because of perceived market pressure or in some cases dumb local ordinances.


ChefJayTay t1_ja3qkxj wrote

Additionally the CA legislation that (thankfully) didn't make it to law...
exempted fast food, coffee, basically everything but table service. Like busboys are secretly throwing straws in the ocean.


floatoverblow t1_ja40mw3 wrote

Generally trash makes it to the ocean on the giant barges full of trash and "recycling" we export to other countries to make their problem instead, no one is saying restaurants are just driving up to the local beach and dumping bags of straws there.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja67u52 wrote

I still find it hilarious that people still uncritically repeat the "500 million per day" in the US. That would mean we've averaging multiple straws per day per person. Which given the number of people who are likely using few if any, they think there's people out there just using ridiculous amounts.


rdabosss t1_ja2d4yy wrote

This is kind of a tricky argument, because those big companies make the products we buy. It's the companies fault AND the consumers fault for supporting them.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja412tc wrote

Im a vegetarian, and my pockets are always full of litter I see on the streets, thats how I make my difference. But then again I know one person not eating meat isnt going to stop the factory farm industry, its purely a moral choice for me. But when we live in a society that sells plastic as single use, where everything is wrapped and we use plastic bags instead of paper. The problem isnt with the consumer, its with the producer. Can you even go 3 days without using something that has plastic in it or came in plastic packaging? or was brought home in plastic bags? Its fucked up and when big companies guilt us into thinking its our fault rather than theirs and the government who endorses it because the oil companies lobby for them it creates a whole other issue ontop of it.


csdspartans7 t1_ja31qir wrote

Buddy, companies don’t pollute for fun, they sell this stuff because we buy it.


Dekachonk t1_ja2de3g wrote

A reusable straw is also eco-friendly.


ThePuduInsideYou t1_ja3be6q wrote

I know this is such a minor gripe and I should just suck it up (literally and figuratively) but I don’t like how my metal straws get really cold from the drink as I’m drinking it. They way they conduct temperature instead of insulating ruins it a bit for me 😬.


Bryancreates t1_ja3lgah wrote

I usually use plastic reusable straws (ones that comes with a tumbler) but I’ll never use a metal one again. Not only does it get cold, but I used one while driving (it was brand new) and I hit a pothole and it chipped my front tooth. I was so pissed.


Ace-a-Nova1 t1_ja16onz wrote

I went to a huge wedding with an open bar and paper straws. Personally, I went through three to four straws for one cup! We all got our own personalized mason jar glass, so it wasn’t small, but still! There was a barrel full of used soggy straws by the end of the event.


kytheon t1_ja3ia62 wrote

Damn I got the question sometimes whether I use plastic, bamboo or paper straws and honestly I just drink from the glass. 🤡


SwoleWalrus t1_ja3k31w wrote

If youre good at keeping up with stuff an aluminum straw is where its at


Apocros t1_ja3s2rt wrote

There must be different grades of paper straws? I've only ever been served them at Ted's Montana Grill (meh), and while not the best "initial mouthfeel", they were perfectly serviceable; didn't get at all soggy for the duration that I had liquid in my beverage glass. I wouldn't rave about how awesome they were, but they were certainly fit for purpose.


blahbleh112233 t1_ja2pcn3 wrote

The weird thing is that PLA plastic is biodegradable and you could make straws from that. But I guess the average consumer would be complaining about x store serving plastic straws


lukeasaur t1_ja2sdk2 wrote

The average consumer wouldn't give a shit; anyone who still cares about straws brings their own or doesn't use one anyways. Companies just do this shit to virtue signal to people who aren't that invested but will go "Ooh, fun" and get some flashy press coverage.

(Beyond that, the problem with all biodegradable material is that they won't biodegrade aerobically in landfill conditions, generally speaking; anaerobic biodegradation produces methane, and although methane recapture is becoming more common it's not perfect. Unless a place offers compost, there's not a huge advantage to biodegradeability. And in the case of PLA, that compost needs to be industrial compost -- it won't biodegrade at a meaningful clip in naturally occurring conditions.)


blahbleh112233 t1_ja2to5n wrote

Depends on where you live but for example, people living in SF absolutely will put restaurants on blast for not being eco friendly.


runnerr0 t1_ja3d1k0 wrote

This is absolutely true re SF buying habits. Before the take out world was tossed upside down SF’s Zero Waste initiative was pushing hard AF to get restaurants to help us reduce the plastic load. It was rare to not be served food to go in something that was not heading for the green bin. With the Rona we relaxed the requirements but I welcome moving back towards a reducing plastic posture.


Magicsword49 t1_ja3op37 wrote

The straw thing always bugged me because it just makes so much more sense to not use a straw.

Edit: To clarify, I meant straws shouldn't be the default. They should be kept around for those who need them.


maelie t1_ja3vzq6 wrote

People with braces or sensitive teeth might disagree with you, though.


Magicsword49 t1_ja4aso2 wrote

Sorry for the omission. I'm aware that there are legitimate use cases for straws and didn't convey my point well to reflect that.


kryotheory t1_ja3xovh wrote

Or paraplegia, missing limbs, motor planning delays, autism, the list goes on. Nobody ever thinks about those of us with disabilities when this conversation happens.


Magicsword49 t1_ja4at73 wrote

Sorry for the omission. I'm aware that there are legitimate use cases for straws and didn't convey my point well to reflect that.


czarchastic t1_ja4b7d3 wrote

Same with the gum they sell at whole foods. Made entirely environmentally friendly, but I would rather chew nothing than chew gum that breaks apart in your mouth after 5 seconds.


Hobear t1_ja38nn6 wrote

I'm down for pasta straws. Do those seem to work better?


kryotheory t1_ja3yjc3 wrote

They don't disintegrate as quickly, but they have a taste. I like pasta, but not with my milkshake lol


IsildursBane20 t1_ja3xxd0 wrote

Lol your efforts are superfluous. You should see how much waste my factor produces


kryotheory t1_ja41v3j wrote

I'm completely aware that an enormous majority of waste comes from corporate processes, not the average consumer. Every little bit helps, even though it does feel pointless most of the time.


Protato82 t1_ja3gowj wrote

Just drink from the fucking container


kryotheory t1_ja3xclz wrote

People with motor planning disabilities, dental sensitivity, paraplegia, missing limbs, etc literally can't.

I don't understand the hatred for straws or how people just completely forget that people with disabilities exist.


Protato82 t1_ja4n69t wrote

Yeah okay so those people (small fraction of the population) can use straws. Nothing is stopping them. I'm saying that average everyday folk are perfectly capable of drinking from the container instead of whining about their straws.


pm-tits-4compliments t1_ja08r6b wrote

Looks like it dried and cracked like wood. I’m guessing it doesn’t bind very well


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja11ibr wrote

Yeah we got it from a food pantry I think, I used it once and if felt gross so we just left it there and got other soap lol


RedditSpyAccount t1_ja24o2h wrote

Curiously… why didn’t you just throw it out?


qotec t1_ja3rukq wrote

"its wet right now, ill grab it when it dries out so i dont drop it"

*proceeds to get out of the shower and promptly forget about it*


bradland t1_ja3ve63 wrote

Well, if they’re anything like me, they repeated to themselves (in their head), “Throw away the soap, throw away the soap, throw away the soap,” about 100 times as they dried off, before getting distracted by a weird mole on their leg, or remembering that thing at work they were supposed to do, or hearing their phone ringing in the other room and forgetting all about it. Every. Damn. Time.


ThisIsPerfekt t1_ja3vz8x wrote

ADHD is fun, ain't it?


Stormypwns t1_ja40v45 wrote

Not necessarily ADHD... I don't think. I do this pretty often and I'm pretty sure I'm Neurotypical


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja40c6e wrote

To be completely honest, when it still looked like soap I thought my brother would use it, but then I saw it start to do that weird ass pull apart fraying wood type shit and was so baffled I wanted to see how far it would go.


PM_your_titles t1_ja4dftz wrote

Also, “got from a food pantry.”

OP might not be in a position to be throwing things out, mentally.


RedIcarus1 t1_ja0tszf wrote

Soap dries out… after not being used for months.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja11ugh wrote

It was under the drip of the shower so I think it was the splash or something


Nearby_Landscape3451 t1_ja3bqjp wrote

It looks like it was pushed through an extruder to mix it then maybe forced though a smaller bit to form it into a bar and it came apart? It may have no binders since it's all natural.


simplyorangeandblue t1_ja1u2l7 wrote

If it was under the drip for a long period then the soap melted away exposing the abrasive Sponge material it was formed around


boofpacc85 t1_ja3hddz wrote

Why in the fuck are you being downvoted for being factually correct💀 reddit is so fucking weird. Neckbeards see one downvote and don't even read the comment just downvote it as well😂 that's the only thing that makes sense


heehahahee t1_ja4k8sx wrote

Or maybe his comment made no sense and is wrong? When you make soap you don’t “form” it “around” “sponge material.” His comment made no sense, was factually incorrect, and deserves every downvote it earned.


boofpacc85 t1_ja4l3nf wrote

Plenty of soaps do tho, seems like something that would be more common or even necessary with a "natural soap"


Framer9 t1_ja2zzow wrote

You’re a gross person


Infoleptic t1_ja34we2 wrote

For… leaving soap in the shower?


Framer9 t1_ja35g7h wrote

If you don’t actually use it for months there could be mold. Throw it out instead of making a post about it. Op needs to stop trying to imply it was the “all natural” ingredients that caused the filth.


CodeCat5 t1_ja36bmt wrote

Where is this "filth" that you speak of?


Framer9 t1_ja36i43 wrote

It’s that piece of steak she’s cleaning herself with.


CodeCat5 t1_ja36o7z wrote

Perhaps you should read more of the post rather than continuing to make ignorant comments.

Or don't... I guess it's more entertaining this way.


misteraaaaa t1_ja3bxub wrote

I need to learn to attain this level of patience on the internet. Absolutely brutal clowning of this troll


Framer9 t1_ja36vp9 wrote

You people must all keep your favorite bars of soap around instead of actually using and disposing of it properly, which is when it’s clearly useless.


CodeCat5 t1_ja384t4 wrote

You really seem to enjoy making up fantasies about other people in your own head based on assumptions and ignorance.


Framer9 t1_ja38eaj wrote

She literally posted a bar of soap that has been in the shower for months. That’s gross. You are a gross person as well. Catch ya on the clean side 🤙 probably not


CodeCat5 t1_ja3ddut wrote

>You are a gross person as well.

And you've come to this conclusion based on 3 posts that make no mention of hygiene. Thanks for proving my point.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja41se0 wrote

Nothing wrong with all natural ingredients. Im vegetarian and try to buy ethically produced whenever I can. But this soap was from a church food pantry and gross anyways, I thought my brother would use it but then it started doing the weird shit and left it to see how far it would go lol


Framer9 t1_ja429sm wrote

No worries ☺️ it is kinda weird. Never seen something like that before


Sewerslider t1_ja1yvim wrote

It's attempting to return to nature


Sparrow1989 t1_ja32diq wrote

This post was directly under the 200+ can of crab meat post. I was so confused thinking someone decided to put tuna in their shower then started to wonder the price.


confuddledlilypad t1_ja405tm wrote

This looks like that post of the newborn horse hooves I saw like five minutes ago


admiralziggy t1_ja3v7uj wrote

Is it making clicking noises?


fierce_history t1_ja3zg1l wrote


This picture makes me wildly uncomfortable


kytheon t1_ja3i531 wrote

“All natural” and “after a few months” often don’t go well together.


aggressivebat t1_ja1nnpl wrote

I want to scratch the edges of it so bad


Dragonfly452 t1_ja48vyz wrote

You know, the thing with soap is that you actually have to use it


KingPhisherTheFirst t1_ja3bu05 wrote

I first read it as soup and was very confused why you had soup in the shower


Ceico_ t1_ja3kj7v wrote

it dried out - as natural soaps do.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja42ihd wrote

Nah it was around the humidity and drip from the faucet


Ceico_ t1_ja4w4iw wrote

soap ripes... and dries out in the process, regardless of humidity. that's why store bought soaps contain various additives...

there's only a handful of ingredients to make soap - all available in your local chemistry supplies or pharmacy. everything else is either for nicer bubbles, better smell or longer shelflife.

Minimal list:

  • fat / oil
  • pure lye
  • distilled water
  • anything to make the soap smell nice and have any color (without those, you get that light brown-ish lump grandma used for washing out stains from clothes)

edit: YES, anyone can make soap at home


bustedbuddha t1_ja40v48 wrote

You’re supposed to rub stuff on your body, it doesn’t work just sitting there.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja4346p wrote

Sitting there is the only thing bar soaps good for, liquid all the way


oODezOo t1_ja4ns7c wrote

Sure it wasn’t actually “all natural rope”?


ItDontMather t1_ja4o7xd wrote

I always I use one of those mesh soap bags


dghammer t1_ja4od0k wrote

Reverting back to moss.


shemague t1_ja4ozw7 wrote

Chicken breast


SnakeBeardTheGreat t1_ja35i36 wrote

Don't think I would want to be around those people if a bar of soap lasted that long in the shower.


whistlebuzz t1_ja4898t wrote

You haven’t showered for a few months? Gross


crr0b t1_ja4ad9a wrote

This has some serious Last of Us vibes…


G0471Y t1_ja4aoq8 wrote



PacificCastaway t1_ja4kpqp wrote

This picture says more about OP's use of soap than I want to know.


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja51vcc wrote

I only use liquid soap lol we got it for free and just left it


Porumbelul t1_ja4wds1 wrote

You might need a new plumbus


Status_Comfortable23 t1_jabvurr wrote

thats so weird did something grew in it?


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_jaeqg9k wrote

No aparently its from how soaps extruded in a factory bond, if the get wet and dry repeatedly they expand and contract


AFABFemboy t1_ja0s4lq wrote

Maybe you should use it next time you gross fuck


Sacred_Stardust OP t1_ja11dzj wrote

Man fuck bar soap that shit leaves yoh feeling so foul, I only use liquid on a loofa so I can get that extra exfoliation


AFABFemboy t1_ja151be wrote

You don't use either because you smell and have bad general hygiene


awildhorsepenis t1_ja1kbh3 wrote

are you emotionally and spiritually troubled? You seem to be suffering from some symptoms. I hope it gets better.


AFABFemboy t1_ja21vtt wrote

I'm emotionally & spiritually troubled because I asked someone to use soap? Your name is literally "awildhorsepenis" you shouldn't be giving any sort of advice to anybody in any content, focus on yourself love <3


thenpetersaid t1_ja24r6x wrote

You fucked up.


Najiell t1_ja2a26f wrote

It's just a troll, otherwise this amount of ignorance can't be explained


AFABFemboy t1_ja2abid wrote

I'm sorry not everyone's views align with yours, idk how that makes me a troll... :/


AFABFemboy t1_ja29tpp wrote

Your lil reddit dude looks like a pedophile


awildhorsepenis t1_ja3vk1q wrote

projecting now huh?

I might be a wild horse penis, but you are just a dick.

I get it, you think you are better than everyone.

“how do i blah blah blah” was your lines but since you get petulant you’ll make something new for me.
