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ChefJayTay t1_ja3qkxj wrote

Additionally the CA legislation that (thankfully) didn't make it to law...
exempted fast food, coffee, basically everything but table service. Like busboys are secretly throwing straws in the ocean.


floatoverblow t1_ja40mw3 wrote

Generally trash makes it to the ocean on the giant barges full of trash and "recycling" we export to other countries to make their problem instead, no one is saying restaurants are just driving up to the local beach and dumping bags of straws there.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja67u52 wrote

I still find it hilarious that people still uncritically repeat the "500 million per day" in the US. That would mean we've averaging multiple straws per day per person. Which given the number of people who are likely using few if any, they think there's people out there just using ridiculous amounts.