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-_-Notmyrealaccount t1_ja6krq9 wrote

And separate rooms where you can find fish and babies


H2Omekanic t1_ja6mi41 wrote

The crip room has the trifeca: fish, housekeeper, man with lower abdominal bullet wound


BaconIsAVeg2 t1_ja7wo98 wrote

I guess they could be fish... I was sure those were butt plug changing rooms though.


enehar t1_ja8g39r wrote

Those aren't fish. It's where you drop bombs...

...and babies.


atomworks t1_ja78qn1 wrote

I think you'll find that's a sumo wrestler...


winterized-dingo t1_ja6kacm wrote

Considering it's right by the baby changing station, I think this is probably there for mothers with young sons who go into the bathroom with them still.


PM_ME_ALL_UR_KARMA OP t1_ja6l2np wrote

It is. But fun fact, urinals in women's rooms were also a thing during the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. They were for women wearing kimono who couldn't squat (for squatting toilets) or sit down (for western-style toilets) to pee.


gheebutersnaps87 t1_ja6l7s5 wrote

That’s such a specific fact, how and why do you know that?


PM_ME_ALL_UR_KARMA OP t1_ja6len2 wrote

I remember reading about it as a part of a trivia on the 1964 Olympics, and it just kind of stuck.


Throwaway4545232 t1_ja6lvbl wrote

Funny how this sticks but the Pythagorean theorem doesn’t. Brains are weird


gheebutersnaps87 t1_ja6n2xc wrote

Maybe it’s just the adhd, but I can somehow remember the lines of entire episodes of the office, but can’t remember a single thing from highschool algebra


stopcounting t1_ja7b8p6 wrote

That's because you only took algebra once, but you probably binged the office like >5 times, plus whatever random episodes you catch on tv, plus quotes that get tossed around on reddit. The cultural saturation's lot higher if you don't use algebra at work or something.


No_Primary_44 t1_ja7ytzo wrote

Though an ADHD brain is also just incredibly bad at prioritizing which information is important and which isn't

I remember so many insignificant details, like what clockspeed that one online friend I barely talk to has set his gpu to that one time when he tried overclocking seven years ago.

But actively working on and practicing stuff I need to know for an exam? Studying that subject every day? Nah, can't remember any of it.


yoUsermame360 t1_ja7yy72 wrote

Petition to start quoting the quadratic formula


SuckerOfPun t1_ja90j5t wrote

Isn't that (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/2a? It's been a while...



gheebutersnaps87 t1_ja92r2u wrote

Man I mean even during school when I actively had algebra, I couldn’t remember any of that shit even if my life depended on it; goes in one ear and right out the other without even touching my brain


notlayingnow t1_ja6mxso wrote

Fun fact: Pythagoras hated beans, and believed they were the devils spawn or something. One fateful day he was running from a bunch of murders who rudely interrupted some meeting (i think) and as he ran came across a bean field. It would go against his teachings to touch the beans so he allowed himself to be killed!!


Earthshattering-ass t1_ja77w68 wrote

Actually, pythagoras worshipped fava beans because he believed them to hold the souls of the dead because they were flesh like and would not eat them because he considered it cannabilism. It’s also not confirmed that that’s how he died but Its likely it was because he would not step on the sacred beans, lol.


notlayingnow t1_ja7abkb wrote

So he either hated them so bad he no step or loved them so much he no step, or it’s a made up fan fiction


LePixelinho t1_ja792qk wrote

That's ony a legend though, there are different theories about his death (even though they are not as memorable as the bean field one)


ManicPandiculation t1_ja6z2h6 wrote

Pythagoras was a weird cult leader. He also didn't invent the Pythagorean theorem. He just Ben Franklin'ed that shit.


ninto1 t1_ja7zd4z wrote

How would the Pythagorean theorem not stick? It is really simple and easy to imagine visually (squares around triangle).


randomjberry t1_ja83cp2 wrote

but a^2 + b^2 = c ^2 is easy to remember but the quadratic formula is actualy onr that might take me a minuite


H2Omekanic t1_jaar29o wrote

The Olympics were different back then. Didn't Germany win the women's standing pee for distance competition? Tall almost 2 meters


Shiningc t1_ja74ios wrote

That’s kinda weird. Even if you went in with a young boy you can still use the seated toilet. If you can do the piss on a standing toilet then you should just go to the mens bathroom.


Old-Operation8637 t1_ja78dv1 wrote

It’s easier and more sanitary for a young boy to not need to touch a toilet and just pee at a urinal


MrGeekman t1_ja92i7i wrote

Especially with women pissing on the seat. I'm not kidding. This really happens.


Old-Operation8637 t1_ja97n06 wrote

Yes, sometimes it is women “hovering” or squatting and then other times it is their little boys that haven’t been properly trained. With my little kids I always make sure to peek in to check their cleanliness before we leave, especially if another person will immediately be entering the stall.


DrAmbulanceDriver t1_ja90cui wrote

Seems kind of stupid to have a urinal for such a specific use case when just putting another stall in that location would be much more practical for 99% of the women who use that bathroom, and the boy could just pee into the toilet


rhoduhhh t1_ja6p14r wrote

In Japan atm. A lot of the public bathrooms with this have it LOW to the ground. Kid height. Moms often have to bring their small sons into the restroom, and it makes sense to have a little urinal there for the boys.


MagicMonkeyMust t1_ja9033z wrote



Makoboom t1_ja93qwv wrote

I hate the use of this gif in context, with the owls voice and it saying m-m, I think the old guy from family guy ruined that kinda voice for me


Hydqjuliilq27 t1_ja6m2tz wrote

Why does the toilet logo look like the bomb?


Aruaz821 t1_ja6s4z9 wrote

Why is there a spot to set down a baby in the men’s room but not a spot to change a baby?


GrumpyButtrcup t1_ja7zc03 wrote

There's so many places around me where the men's room doesn't have a baby changing station. I'm glad my daughter is done with diapers because it's not easy going out in public as a single dad.


Aruaz821 t1_ja8g64y wrote

I know. It’s ridiculous and frustrating.


Fluffy-Edge-6065 t1_ja8nne5 wrote

Atleast they have the handicapped bathroom they can go in and change babies, better than most places.


stratjr123 t1_ja6z9q9 wrote

Why is there only one sink in the guys room?


SageTegan t1_ja739j7 wrote

Men don't wash they hands


stratjr123 t1_ja7bapp wrote

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or actually believe that


pyuunpls t1_ja7qbbf wrote

Currently sitting on the pooper at work while I type this. I hear a lot of people come in to pee and just the door open after. No sink running. It’s way more common than you think.


theveryrealreal t1_ja9wezs wrote

You're not slacking off in the John, you're gathering intel!


H2Omekanic t1_jaasppt wrote

TBH it's gross to be in the stall in a restaurant and be pretty sure some staff just bypassed the sink


H2Omekanic t1_jaas78j wrote

Marine and GI are both using urinals in a men's room. GI is leaving without washing his hands.

Marine: In the Corp, they teach us that cleanliness is next to godliness and we wash our hands after using the restroom.

GI: In the Army, they teach us not to piss on our hands


FeasibleGreen t1_ja7r4rb wrote

Many of us that do wash our hands are keenly aware of those that don't. I know it's not my business, but I can't help but notice. Even during covid, it blows my mind how many people don't wash their hands.


claudandus_felidae t1_ja8z3tw wrote

Used to work as a janitor, can confirm, tons of people don't wash their hands


FeasibleGreen t1_ja902iy wrote

A guy once told me he washes his hands before he uses the bathroom, so he doesn't have to afterwards


LifelessHawk t1_ja6rc82 wrote

Nuking the babies and the disabled


SteampoweredFlamingo t1_ja7b9qp wrote

More interesting to me is that there's a map of the bathroom facilities


magick_68 t1_ja7669h wrote

There's a baby changing station in the mens room, kudos for that. Although i don't know what the difference to the one in the disabled room is.


mizinamo t1_ja7fs64 wrote

> There's a baby changing station in the mens room

Doesn't look like it. Just a place to put them while you use the toilet.

(It's labelled "baby chair", not "baby bed" like the one in the disabled or the women's room.)


TarkovskyAteABird t1_ja6pm7b wrote

Because some women have penises


DMRexy t1_ja74v25 wrote

Though I'd love for that to be the reasoning, I doubt it's the case because 1: people with penises can also use the toilet and 2: it's Japan.


H2Omekanic t1_jaattig wrote

It's Japan. There's not even a changing station in the men's room


TMwombocombo t1_ja9ed33 wrote

Even then it’s easier to just use a regular toilet, urinals are stupid


Songhunter t1_ja6us50 wrote

Forget the urinal, they have bombs! Run!


TheHadalZone t1_ja7x4yc wrote

Probably for moms travelling with little boys


JohnnyLoco69 t1_ja8lfeq wrote

No changing table in the men’s room..


histprofdave t1_ja6nfks wrote

That's for when you feel like setting the game to hard mode.


DripplyRibs t1_ja6vrnb wrote

I think I see 3 nuclear bombs, or 3 toilets, I can’t put my finger on it though…


JamesXX t1_ja7psr8 wrote

Serious question for those in the know. Is this not a waste of space?

If it's for moms with young boys, can't the young boy just use a toilet? If it's for trans women, can't they just use a toilet?

Most of the time, three people will be able to use the men's room. Most of the time, only two people will be able to use the women's room. It seems like three toilets would be much more practical for all who might be using that room.


batsprinkles t1_ja9bif3 wrote

Yeah, they usually go into the stall with mom anyway. I guess so you can also teach them how to use a urinal? You don't usually have one to practice with at home


Randall058 t1_ja85c39 wrote

Importantly, there’s a changing table in the men’s room. I would’ve traded several fingers from one of my favorite hands for that in midwestern USA.


getott t1_ja8fumq wrote

It's so the mother's son can use the toilet and not separate from her.


nickrocs6 t1_ja8hhb0 wrote

They keep potted plants in that


SecretRecipe t1_ja9e80q wrote

Any restroom with a sink has a urinal.


FacepalmArtist t1_ja9m58t wrote

Probably for their kid. Looks like a family friendly place or literally something for kids. But God forbid men change a diaper lol


Wolfdude91 t1_ja6qhen wrote

They also got an extra Baby Dispenser


Apprehensive_West956 t1_ja6um72 wrote

Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that some of these toilet icons look like little bombs?


blindeyedbroad t1_ja72bjn wrote

I was far too busy wondering about the fish symbols (toilets) to be concerned with the urinal!


PM_ME_SEXIST_OPINION t1_ja77w3h wrote

I appreciate that every restroom has a changing table!

What is the rounded rectangular black icon with the black dot above it?


stealthsjw t1_ja797ww wrote

I think it's an ostomy toilet. A special toilet/basin combo thing for changing your stoma bag. That's why it's in the disabled toilet.

The symbol is a person with a little "+" where the stoma is on the stomach.


Philias2 t1_ja78it7 wrote

Does one really need a map to navigate the bathroom?


shine_the_light t1_ja79neb wrote

I find the tactical bathroom map itself mildly interesting. Who needs all of this information?


Gobstomperx t1_ja7iqua wrote

And two goldfish dispensers!


Arjun_Alpha_Wolf t1_ja7jp90 wrote

At first i thought they were gonna nuke the babies and the guy in ghe wheelchair


kcolgeis t1_ja7ulcc wrote

My wife can pee farther than me.


Twosliceofbread t1_ja8acrv wrote

Japan flag

Nuclear bomb



Guy holding tequila glass between legs

Sex with a minion

Random boner


bellyjaby t1_ja8cau1 wrote

Nuclear bomb and baby room


al3237 t1_ja8dvqn wrote

I was wondering why you would get a baby/disabled and a weird buttplug in some of them 🤔


jamkoch t1_ja8o27a wrote

Looks like no baby change station in the men's room, I suspect the urinal is for him.


gotaco12 t1_ja8o5qa wrote

I thought those were for dropping bombs


boostreak t1_ja8p75a wrote

Mildly interesting indeed that a mom may take her child with a penis into a restroom to pee. Even more wild to think that a restroom may have a urinal in it so any woman with a penis can pee.


AlexTheEnderWolf t1_ja8qpiv wrote

I was briefly more confused by what i thought to be nukes


AnalysisMoney t1_ja91m6a wrote

Then it’s probably not a women’s restroom?


xxDankerstein t1_ja92ss9 wrote

They need to use urinals because the stalls are being used for bomb storage.


AtTheLeftThere t1_ja977jf wrote

My dumb ass thought the toilets were fish at first


Stardust-Parade t1_ja98nsp wrote

It says they also have something for people with ostomies.


sabrefudge t1_ja996ax wrote

Both for young kids being brought in with mom and for women that can pee standing up.


squirtcow t1_ja9ijm4 wrote

It also has bombs, it seems?


Dubdude13 t1_ja9k8oa wrote

Of course it does


YayGilly t1_ja9ojdo wrote

Whats really alarming is that the mens room has just as many flushable fixtures, and half as many sinks..


Blockboxx t1_ja9rbgv wrote

My question is why do they keep fish with the babies?


FIREnFUR t1_ja9tsjz wrote

What’s even more interesting is the men’s has a baby changing station!


guilgom71 t1_ja9uy57 wrote

This post reminded me of a huge bathroom at my old university. It's 700 miles away and I miss that bathroom.


tofu889 t1_ja76zl0 wrote

Tim Allen arrrruggghh? noise


[deleted] t1_ja81l5f wrote

That’s my favorite part of step brothers.


maxtiang79 t1_ja8ijma wrote

eg hold your baby or kid while he use urinal?


FatesMessEngineer t1_ja8qdrp wrote

Probably because women and men don't exist anymore...


Far-Two3165 t1_ja6k5rs wrote

Trough urinals are very common in China.

I call them herinals.


[deleted] t1_ja8zmy0 wrote

"Gender equality"


mukica__ t1_ja7d0eg wrote

Urinal in women's room is for trans women. Maybe


almostfunny3 t1_ja7iopb wrote

Maybe, but as someone who's trans, I've never known a trans woman who would want to use this. Not saying it isn't possible, just that the trans women I've known would want to use a stall and stand out as little as possible.


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qd7l wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


ChinaCuckBoiCountry t1_ja8eib4 wrote

Mental illness taking over lol


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qe8f wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


finger_salad t1_ja6t7xp wrote

I'm guessing it's like a challenge, maybe they win a prize (social credits?) if they don't dribble in front.


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qbje wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


finger_salad t1_ja9wg98 wrote

Well duh. I really hope you're not this dour and humorless when you work behind the bar.


TheAlpheus t1_ja73fdf wrote

did ya hear? men can be women, and women can be men now


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qbzt wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


[deleted] t1_ja86e2e wrote

Men can be women you transphobe.


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qds0 wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


Xanax_Sprite t1_ja6x3w9 wrote

For the chicks with dicks


Bartender9719 t1_ja8q8be wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


Brieble t1_ja775jf wrote

there are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.


First-Ad-3195 t1_ja6mgru wrote



Bartender9719 t1_ja8qaxv wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


First-Ad-3195 t1_ja8qjgi wrote

no shit it’s a joke comment 😂


Bartender9719 t1_ja95p2s wrote

If one doesn’t use an “/s” to indicate sarcasm, they’re perceived as a ‘Schrödinger’s asshole’ (someone who decides whether or not a comment was a joke based upon others’ reactions)


ChaosCraft07 t1_ja6m5rm wrote

I mean i saw the comments and that it's Japanese but my first thought was..

This in the Philippines?


Bartender9719 t1_ja8qahe wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


ChaosCraft07 t1_ja8qwc4 wrote

Yeah I'm sorry that my mind went to what i said- as said i read the comments and it made sense. Didn't think that it wasn't a good time to make that joke, sorry


Bartender9719 t1_ja95ysp wrote

Objectively, your joke had merit! It’s just a sensitive topic, we all make mistakes


mroboto2016 t1_ja6whrk wrote

It's for the Lady-Boys.


Bartender9719 t1_ja8q9lj wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


mroboto2016 t1_jabfziz wrote

Oh, I know, I used to have to take my daughter (many years ago) to the Men's room to change her. At least they had a changing station. Boys were a little different.


forfuxzake t1_ja6pxbw wrote

Didn't you hear? Some women have Dicks now. I don't make up the rules.


robinthekid t1_ja7zie8 wrote

Thank god you don’t make the rules


forfuxzake t1_ja92fwc wrote

I worded that very specifically to see how you would react. I'm actually pro Trans and nothing I said was negative. Or untrue. But as I suspected people read what they are looking for.


Hesaidpoop t1_ja6jraf wrote

How did we get to a point where the chinas as more accepting than the americas


dashinny t1_ja6jx17 wrote

That’s japanese


Bartender9719 t1_ja8q8z9 wrote

Sometimes women have children, and about half the time those children are male. It’s so a little boy doesn’t have to be separated from his mother (notice it’s proximity to the other fixture aimed at parents).


aderiex t1_ja6utmd wrote

Lmao but he’s right tho. China is more accepting than america
