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sam_grace t1_j9xwp6c wrote

I think it was more like 'hey, you have the same kind of shoes I do, only smaller. Can I borrow one of them for a minute?' Canvas shrinks; rubber doesn't.


St11cks11 t1_j9yz00r wrote

You can see the Nike logo looks super messed up on the smaller one.


JuztBe OP t1_ja2cwhk wrote

Rubber shrinking was surprising part for me too, I give you that. As you can also see there's some glue residue on right shoe. Sole got mostly separated from canvas


sam_grace t1_ja2ki1s wrote

The sole can get separated from the canvas without shrinking, simply because the glue softens with heat. That being said, your post is more believable after reading other comments that give more detail, like that the soles are likely made of Croc material, not rubber, and that you washed both your shoes and the large one in the pic is a new replacement.

Those details make a big difference for a couple of reasons. It explains why the tread on the smaller one looks much more worn (something that doesn't happen with shrinkage). And washing only one shoe indicates that it made it into the laundry by accident and if it was an accident and made of Croc material, it would have been highly noticeable and removed when transferring clothes to the dryer because the hot water actually stretches them and waterlogs the soles which would make them bigger and heavier. And if you had noticed and put it in the dryer anyway, you'd at least be aware that it's only the dry heat of the dryer that shrinks them, not the water temperature.

Anyway, wash your new shoes in room temperature water by hand and let air dry. Putting any kind of shoes in hot water or a hot dryer will damage them.