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session6 OP t1_ja7d8ld wrote

This is a photo taken in a smoking room in a Japanese bar. The top left says 'Do you know the ways tobacco taxes are used?' bottom right 'tobacco raises 2billion yen (~$20b) it is used by the government to enrich the lives of the people.' underneath that is the logo and name of the national tobacco association.

N.b: I have paraphrased theranslation to make it fit better.


ciunnc t1_ja7jo0a wrote

Is there a estimate of tabacco related medical cost each year.


phadrus56 t1_ja7n00n wrote




The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.


ataeil t1_ja7og9o wrote

Lol these taxes are created as a deterrent. These things are just a byproduct of getting money from that deterrent.


blackbirdblackbird1 t1_ja92rmg wrote

Using specific facts can also be used to drive an agenda. They don't have to be made up.

For example: Local Police Department: Car break-ins are up 50% this year! They conveniently didn't tell you that car break-ins went from 2 to 3.

This poster is basically trying to imply that smoking is good because the taxes collected do so much good.


pokepok t1_ja9czig wrote

I love how tobacco is one of the few foreign words written in hiragana. Like, they have accepted it as truly Japanese lol


blackbirdblackbird1 t1_jaakpct wrote

Interesting numbers. Do you have any citations?

Here's what I was able to find: American Cancer Society: 2023 SPECIAL SECTION: LUNG CANCER

Page 32: > The lifetime risk of developing lung cancer is approximately 6.2% among men and 5.8% among women, or 1 in 16 men and 1 in 17 women during their lifetime (Table 6).

> However, these probabilities are based on lung cancer occurrence in the general population so the risk is substantially higher for those with a history of smoking. 15

Page 37: >The primary risk factor for lung cancer is cigarette smoking, which accounts for about 80% of lung cancer cases and deaths (Figure 4).1 Cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer 25-fold in both men and women compared to people who never smoked.15