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SoNic67 t1_j9zwkko wrote

I though that Europeans are proud that they don't have to tip their waitress. Because they are "paid well enough".

"Gratuity" 12% is then... what?


Riegler77 t1_ja0xj8l wrote

This is the UK, we don't claim them


SoNic67 t1_ja2f7vj wrote

Yeah, contradict the reality. Because that's on the this post picture.

And it's not the only time I see that in Europe. Almost every time are 4 people or more at a table, they will put that on, and is not negotiable.


noahnear t1_ja2r72h wrote

I get the idea that the higher the bill, the lower the % of it is left as a tip. People hate the idea of a large number, even if it’s a small %age.