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Rockytana t1_ja8g8gw wrote

The swastika was taken by the nazis, it is a very old symbol from Hindu and others.

Edit: it’s a symbol of luck and prosperity, it was even used by the Boy Scouts and on coke a cola products


uv-vis t1_ja8k7u6 wrote

Yes, it was adopted into Buddhism also. I remember a big spat about a Golbat Pokémon card, with the symbol on it. And in East Asian temples and shrines it’s on the doors and everything. I’m sure plenty of tourists get a little confused and/or offended by it.


ShinkuDragon t1_ja8ks4r wrote

iirc japan's maps used the symbol to represent its shrines on maps, leaving more than one tourist fairly indignated.


Count_de_Ville t1_ja8r499 wrote

It's used for Buddhist temples. Not for Shinto shrines. Not nitpicking, just clarifying.


porchpooper t1_ja90ely wrote

Yeah, Shinto shrine symbol looks like a giant A to look like this emoji ⛩️ . Definitely was a little concerned when I saw swastikas on the map in Japan.


ShinkuDragon t1_jabf363 wrote

you're good mate. they are not the same and as the other dude mentioned they're both presented differently on maps.


stopandtime t1_ja95yfm wrote

White people will find anything to be offended

It’s like their 2nd job lol


No-Leading6909 t1_ja8iqg1 wrote

Who doesn’t love the others? They were the best.


Rockytana t1_ja8jshj wrote

Hey, I’m hungover as hell right now and Buddhism was giving me fits on spelling it LOL


altruistic324 t1_ja8zy5z wrote

Its also backwards. Look them up side by side.


KingRhoamsGhost t1_ja987ne wrote

IIRC The original use of the swastikas actually included both rotations. The nazis took the less well known rotation.


LevelDrawers t1_jad4xpa wrote

Yes, the reverse and 45-degree angle "facts" aren't really facts at all. There are many instances of un-tilted swastikas in Nazi Germany, notably at the Nuremburg parade grounds. But redditors are compelled to post the one thing they know every damned time this topic comes up.


Wildse7en t1_ja989jp wrote

And by the downvotes on the post, we can see how quickly people are to learn.

Not so much.

From a marketing standpoint, it’s probably better to not put a picture of a swastika on your product. If you’re trying to sell it.


LevelDrawers t1_jad59in wrote

We're downvoting because anyone who's been on the internet more than 5 minutes knows that swastikas are common in other cultures. We're tired of the fake rage bait and the same 3 factoids about swastikas being repeated every time the topic comes up.