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Fickle-Classroom t1_ja20yf2 wrote

And completely rational and scientific in a given building and context.

In modern buildings where these signs are located each apartment is a fire [proof] cell. It’s much safer to remain isolated from smoke, than be running into it.

Sprinklers, automatic fire suppression, and fire brigade can all deal with a fire before the fire rating of the individual apartment fire cells are breached.

This is for modern buildings in specific contexts. Older buildings not engineered with individual fire cell contained units do not have these messages.

This message is specific to the specific building.


StopTheTrickle t1_ja22fq0 wrote

This was the exact theory that killed hundreds of people in Grenfell tower.


Fickle-Classroom t1_ja22mjz wrote

Key words, modern, and specific contexts. Grenfell while tragic isn’t a great example of the thousands of fires that occur daily around the globe where this system works.

That’s survivorship bias at play.


RyanfaeScotland t1_ja2iw8d wrote

I think I'd rather get out than hang out in the hope that the place I'm in fits the modern and specific contexts you require.


Fickle-Classroom t1_ja2jcag wrote

Thankfully you don’t need to hope, it’s literally on the door.


Apprehensive-Swim-29 t1_ja3j301 wrote

Many people agree with you and die of smoke inhalation. Which, funny enough, also increases the risk to others as you become an additional liability.

Opening your door (and the stairwells) can also help compromise the safety of others if those doors don't close behind you.


foiler64 t1_ja3jx86 wrote

The other reason is these buildings often have a thousand people. If they are all on the stairs, people are doomed to die because the fire department won’t be able to put out the fire if they can’t get to it.


HappyDaddy70 t1_ja3jaxp wrote

That's the thing, you are MORE LIKELY TO SURVIVE STAYING PUT. You think you are more likely to survive running down the stairs, until you run out of oxygen on the way down.

I was talking to a firefighter in Toronto once about this when my building had an alarm and I was like "look at all those idiots on the balcony!" The firefighter told me he has to find people dead in the hallways and stairwells trying to go down a fire.


kester76a t1_ja24ptf wrote

From what I read they died because the government and the firm deemed the risk minimum. So a cheap dead was made on unsafe cladding. The risks were known on all sides but it was a cheaper option and wasn't banned at the time.

In a nutshell unsafe products gets sold off cheaply all the time as long as the sellers aren't liable for it they tend to give zero fucks unfortunately.


IOnlySayMeanThings t1_ja2hqzd wrote

people trampling people in a single floor walmart disagree. A true fire plan will unfold real time if the network is in place. They want you to refrain from panicking until then. It will probably not be a jet-fuel fire.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2cs57 wrote

No. Cheap, known to be flawed materials that were ignored and not replaced or properly researched once understood to be problematic killed hundreds in Grenfell tower.


PedanticPeasantry t1_ja21y82 wrote

Right after I submitted the scene of the apartment explosion from fight club played in the back of my head, I get it, still would make me a bit nervous lmao


SchoolForSedition t1_ja29vb3 wrote

Tell that to the tenants of Grenfell Tower. Or their surviving relatives.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2d13c wrote

Man if I had a nickel every some goob who watched a YouTube video on a single disaster thought they had all the answers.

Grenfell was a disaster because the tower was literally defective. Every other scenario where this sign exists it is in fact the safer alternative.


avalon68 t1_ja3hv0v wrote

Well sadly thats not true - if it were there wouldnt be so many apartment blocks in the UK requiring re-cladding. In countries with good building regulations its fine, but I dont think you would find many people in the UK staying put after the Grenfell tragedy


SchoolForSedition t1_ja2dn7f wrote

So good you are not a good who imagines there are no other defective towers. Quick, tell everyone trying to deal with the cost of fixing them.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2dris wrote

Please get someone with more patience than I gave to explain various concepts of sampling bias and exceptions to you. You'll be better off for it.


SchoolForSedition t1_ja2guf7 wrote

Ah bless. I won’t mention my own qualifications and experience because you’d be even more upset. And wouldn’t look up anything to counter your own nonsense anyway.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2gy88 wrote

Whatever you need to tell yourself to keep the dunning-Kruger alive.