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SchoolForSedition t1_ja29vb3 wrote

Tell that to the tenants of Grenfell Tower. Or their surviving relatives.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2d13c wrote

Man if I had a nickel every some goob who watched a YouTube video on a single disaster thought they had all the answers.

Grenfell was a disaster because the tower was literally defective. Every other scenario where this sign exists it is in fact the safer alternative.


avalon68 t1_ja3hv0v wrote

Well sadly thats not true - if it were there wouldnt be so many apartment blocks in the UK requiring re-cladding. In countries with good building regulations its fine, but I dont think you would find many people in the UK staying put after the Grenfell tragedy


SchoolForSedition t1_ja2dn7f wrote

So good you are not a good who imagines there are no other defective towers. Quick, tell everyone trying to deal with the cost of fixing them.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2dris wrote

Please get someone with more patience than I gave to explain various concepts of sampling bias and exceptions to you. You'll be better off for it.


SchoolForSedition t1_ja2guf7 wrote

Ah bless. I won’t mention my own qualifications and experience because you’d be even more upset. And wouldn’t look up anything to counter your own nonsense anyway.


RevengencerAlf t1_ja2gy88 wrote

Whatever you need to tell yourself to keep the dunning-Kruger alive.