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RyanfaeScotland t1_ja2iw8d wrote

I think I'd rather get out than hang out in the hope that the place I'm in fits the modern and specific contexts you require.


Fickle-Classroom t1_ja2jcag wrote

Thankfully you don’t need to hope, it’s literally on the door.


Apprehensive-Swim-29 t1_ja3j301 wrote

Many people agree with you and die of smoke inhalation. Which, funny enough, also increases the risk to others as you become an additional liability.

Opening your door (and the stairwells) can also help compromise the safety of others if those doors don't close behind you.


foiler64 t1_ja3jx86 wrote

The other reason is these buildings often have a thousand people. If they are all on the stairs, people are doomed to die because the fire department won’t be able to put out the fire if they can’t get to it.


HappyDaddy70 t1_ja3jaxp wrote

That's the thing, you are MORE LIKELY TO SURVIVE STAYING PUT. You think you are more likely to survive running down the stairs, until you run out of oxygen on the way down.

I was talking to a firefighter in Toronto once about this when my building had an alarm and I was like "look at all those idiots on the balcony!" The firefighter told me he has to find people dead in the hallways and stairwells trying to go down a fire.