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connortait t1_ja1erwi wrote

Someone took time out of their life to print that on that bill, and no doubt innumerable others. That's time they'll never get back.

......Good..... fuck em.....


mandobaxter t1_ja1g3uj wrote

Just write LOST in red pen right above 2020.


rolopopcorn t1_ja1i5qq wrote

Take it to your bank of choice and exchange it for a different piece of currency. The bank will remove damaged currency from circulation and return it to the Federal Reserve Bank. The FRB will then destroy it.


sleaklight t1_ja1jzpn wrote

Send it in to the us mint so they discard it and issue a new one. Get that trash out of circulation.


XTanuki t1_ja1n269 wrote

It’s not misinformation — a lot of people don’t know, and that’s why I mentioned it to you! Interesting fact: the Secret Service was formed under the bureau of engraving and printing to deal with counterfeit currency


TheChesterChesterton t1_ja1otqw wrote

I dare you to try to spend it as a $5 and when they tell you it's a $1 ask them to count it again.


superbrew t1_ja1q1zq wrote

Noooo one cares stoppppp talking about Trump bye


TholosTB t1_ja1qeul wrote

I thought the Trump stamp was what went just above your ass cheeks.


smerrjerr110210 t1_ja1r529 wrote

😂😂😂 I don’t know what’s worse…the pure hatred towards trump, or trump himself. People are so in their feelings over this dude. For and against


Sid15666 t1_ja2ryho wrote

Is that some of the money Putin printed to get him Elected?