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Deltron_Zed t1_j9gti11 wrote

No offense to the poster but GODDMAN ANOTHER PEPPER?


As someone who has worked in kitchens all his life and sees this in, rough estimate, at least a third of all peppers that I have ever cut, professionally and recreationally... what is the big fucking deal!? This is so common,I can't believe how many people are apparently experiencing it for the first time in their lives.


tuftopubichair t1_j9gu24g wrote

Just got out of kitchen management for the past couple years and can't help but to agree, moreso than that as a long time lurker of this sub there is a huge flood of just these posts every single year and it ends up being every other post for so gotdayum long it is painful.


mazzimar7 t1_j9gwalo wrote

I thought this was posted to r/mildlypenis at first.


Howling_Fang t1_j9gzxsx wrote

Maybe it's my fucked up sense of humor, but whenever I cut into a pepper and see this, I just exclaim in a child-like voice "PEPPER ABORTION!"


peb396 t1_j9h0a2b wrote

Pregnant...and and the fetus is horny.


NexexUmbraRs t1_j9h354u wrote

I remember the first time I saw this as a kid, my parents acted excited over it. Nowadays whenever I see it and only if someone else is around do I feign any interest in it.


C7rl_Al7_1337 t1_j9h8mwj wrote

If peper has starch masks on it does that mean it's been pregonate before?

Also, how can I get a luigi board? Do I have to buy it from a witch or a vegan or can I make one?


Deltron_Zed t1_j9ha59h wrote

Well, you care about what you care about and use what language describes YOUR inner experience the best. I'm not asking for your validation.

But, yes. The fact that A LOT of people can't make a meal for themselves and will eat a majority of their meals from a restaurant, fast food eatery or some instant, processed prepackaged meal is a little bit of a bummer from my point of view. Not going to cry or end my life over it or anything.


tuftopubichair t1_j9hc2i0 wrote

I'm sorry op I was not trying to be a downer on your post, if I can be fair it was actually one of the more interesting baby pepper posts because of the positioning of the baby pepper itself. More than worthy of being on mildyinteresting. No hate, hope the pepper was tasty


Man_Bear_Beaver t1_j9hh345 wrote

is that a pepper in your pepper or are you just happy to see me?


akayataya t1_j9hq5x4 wrote

For all the people who do know how to spell pregnant correctly, please apply here: r/Mensa


Koofteh t1_j9hs9so wrote

Dangerops pragent sex. Will it hurt baby top of his head?


emtrigg013 t1_j9ilptc wrote

But.... You've worked in kitchens all your life...

And now you're shitting on people who keep you in business?

I cook all the time and never with peppers. I didn't know this was a thing because I'm not on reddit 24/7. It was a cute little photo and you're being unnecessarily holier than thou about it. We just wanna be happy dude.


NoContextCarl t1_j9io6is wrote

Wow. Wasn't planning on a boner at this time of day at all!


Pabst_Malone t1_j9j1jam wrote

If a pepper have starch mask on its body do that mean it been pregat before?


Bigloove t1_j9j9cnc wrote

It looks like a gina.


Kinenai t1_j9jmjxk wrote

Big red daddy's gonna be suspicious of his best yellow pepper friend.


dcute69 t1_j9k3rpo wrote

I think they should pass a new law: if you can't spell pregnant then you shouldn't be allowed to get pregnate


Kryptic1989 t1_j9k6n60 wrote

Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby on top of his head


Deltron_Zed t1_j9kk9m0 wrote

It's interesting how different lives can see totally different parts of the world during a lifetime. These are so common to my experience, its so hard for me to believe you have been exposed to peppers and haven't seen this. Not that I don't believe it.

However, search mildyinteresting for "pepper" and sort by time and then look through a month of posts.