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JustDaUsualTF t1_j9izkb1 wrote

I think it would be more interesting if they somehow forgot both buns... Sandwiches are typically assembled from the bottom up, they likely just forgot to add the last step before wrapping it up, maybe because they were in a hurry?


dieselveira OP t1_j9j039u wrote

The first step in assembling a sandwich is laying each half of the bun face-up on the paper. Only a Hardee's employee could tell us if they keep the top and bottom buns separate, but it doesn't seem efficient to me.


dieselveira OP t1_j9j0isz wrote

Further, missing both halves would be far less interesting. Many customers order sandwiches without the bun, and the possibility that my sandwich might have been mixed up with its unspectacular bunless neighbor would have been too great to warrant this submission.

But nobody orders an open-face breakfast sandwich.