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-ElDictator- t1_jaa9dp5 wrote

With your experience and tools of the trade, you can now start offering vasectomy service at your house


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaaan2p wrote

Doc told me about a doctor at the hospital during his residency who tried to do it himself with his nurse wife assisting. He passed out and had to be ambulanced to the ER he was the head of. They never let him live it down


Zenmedic t1_jaapxde wrote

As a Paramedic who was once picked up by my coworkers, I can confirm the joking never ends.

In my case I had a kidney stone and my wife was away and was in too much pain to drive.


justheretoglide t1_jab2eeb wrote

hey welcome, me too with the kidney stones, worst part was one of the medics that showed up was a female partner i had who i trained as her first partner. while i was on the floor crumpled into a ball, she playfully asked" are you in pain!?" She also threatened to drive real slow.

i did get flowers from my old company though a few days later, lol


Slartibartfastthe2nd t1_jaf2cne wrote

well at least your situation was not self-induced.... so there's that.

still not a chance a friend or coworker will let you live it down though.



12345__6789_10_11_12 t1_jaatqk6 wrote

My stepdad was a surgeon and fixed the dogs himself.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaawr2t wrote

LOL, I love knowing doctors are out there malpracticing on themselves. I would if I could.


walking_heavy1078 t1_jabqp7d wrote

I might be wrong, but I think dogs in this case are actual dogs, not his own testicles.


Analysis-Klutzy t1_jabypcf wrote

I heard a story from a med student about a guy that would fall asleep with an iv after a night drinking. Great hangover cure, only downside was when the bag fell down while he was asleep. He lived but work up ultra hungover


[deleted] t1_jaaprdt wrote

i'm not sure if that's arrogance or stupidity or a combination of both.


TheXIIILightning t1_jaatk9w wrote

At least he didn't lose his head over it. Probably nicked it a bit tho.


thesnapening t1_jaa5i4e wrote

The question has to be asked. Why is a hospital giving away scissors?


FrequentSinger1661 t1_jaag5tl wrote

Most likely these are disposable instruments, not meant to be re-sterilized.


atomic_redneck t1_jaaltf0 wrote

Yup. I still have mine from 25 years ago. Apparently it is cheaper to make them disposable rather than having to handle contaminated material and then clean and autoclave them.


Chevy_Suburban t1_jabymvx wrote

How is it cheaper to give away 10+ tools than autoclaving them?


jimb2 t1_jac3gmv wrote

That's how it works. Those tools are basically punched out by machines, some with a bit of human finishing. Those things are ok to use, but they are not the same quality as older instruments that would last for years. Single-use instruments can be made of cheaper metal etc and won't stand up to repeated use.

Autoclaving is a slow, manual, small batch process that uses a lot of energy. If the whole process is not done carefully, infection can be spread by poorly autoclaved instruments, potentially leading to infection, harm, death and million dollar law suits. This happens. More expensive stuff is disinfected and reused, but for the simple tools, it's smarter to open a new sterile pack.


Bird_TheWarBearer t1_jabl4tl wrote

They are actually the kind of instruments you sterilize and re use. But likely the facility can't or won't sterilize them but instead buys new ones for each patient. Which is weird but after seeing comments I guess it's common if done in a clinic.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaa8btu wrote

It was done at a doctors clinic since it’s minimally invasive. I don’t know why they have them away…


WutzUpples69 t1_jaaqouh wrote

Hospitals use autoclaves to sanitize their instruments. In this case it's likely they don't have one or the instruments are just cheap to get. This could be a collection of 10 previous vasectomies they gifted to you.


kittenrice t1_jabde4g wrote

Yup, last one of the day gets to keep the tools.


marvelofperu t1_jaaor4y wrote

Some appear to be hemostats, a type of clamp. I have good sized one that I used for stuffing dolls. Still use it to get hair out of drains.


Bird_TheWarBearer t1_jabliua wrote

Top left- schnidt scissor top right- adson forcep 2 mosquito clamps, alis clamp, 2 sharp towel clamps, more alis, mosquitoes and adson forceps


Riegel_Haribo t1_jaayy09 wrote

They can't bill sterilization equipment, but can bill new instruments for every patient.


drdrewpschlong t1_jabhxmz wrote

This is the reason. Insurance is wonderful about paying for new sterilized equipment. I, on the other hand, tend to have many cash clients and do my best to wipe my tools down between snips.


toshgiles t1_jabhund wrote

But also, why so many of the same instruments? Haha


justabill71 t1_jaagli5 wrote

Did you also get one of those cones, to keep you from trying to lick your stitches?


Efficient-Ad-3302 t1_jaa4ufq wrote

Hmmmm. Maybe I should get a vasectomy just for the tools.


Longjumping_Bed2907 t1_jaa5c1p wrote

Sweet roach clips! And retrievers for small things that gets stuck inside of things or pinchers for tubes on the car when working on it


ggodfrey t1_jaa6has wrote

How much did it hurt? I’m thinking of doing it myself


Wordwind t1_jaa72vr wrote

No dude, go to a doctor for that.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaa8fg7 wrote

I laughed at this, and it hurt so bad.


Wordwind t1_jaa8mnb wrote

That's the adult version of milk through the nose in the lunchroom. A clowns loftiest goal.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaa8jzh wrote

During? Not much. I was on a lot of Valium and the numbing agents worked well. 10 hours later though? Feels like someone is constantly squeezing my balls. 7/10 pain scale for me.


ggodfrey t1_jaa9604 wrote

I just had a kidney stone removed, so I’m right there with you


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaaaf4a wrote

Oof. But that burns doesn’t it? This is like low throbbing pinch


ggodfrey t1_jaaayg7 wrote

Afterward yeah, there’s a lot of burning when you pee and you feel like you gotta go most of the time. You get drugs tho


atomic_redneck t1_jaam43y wrote

I have had both a vasectomy and kidney stones. The kidney stones were much, much worse for me.


AxemaninTransylvania t1_jabg099 wrote

With you too. Lost 15 pounds over a kidney stone. Was delighted. Get Rx for chlorthalidone and potassium citrate. Will help you.


wheres_that_tack_ow t1_jaafyva wrote

I had it done about 10 years ago, and in my experience it was mostly just mildly uncomfortable. There wasn't really any pain during the operation (minus the numbing shots, which wasn't really a big deal)

Oddly enough the shaving of the 'operation area' was more uncomfortable than the actual procedure


ggodfrey t1_jaagh8e wrote

Good to know. I didn’t even consider them needing to shave…


wheres_that_tack_ow t1_jaagono wrote

They don't shave everything, just the two small areas they need to make the incisions


kittenrice t1_jabdnyy wrote

It's not so bad. You're going to want to buy a couple bags of frozen peas, before the procedure. Do this yourself so you know it got done.


dadthewisest t1_jaae8xm wrote

My doctor kept yelling at me "Just relax" the entire time... like it isn't very relaxing having you tug at my junk and scream!


RichardStinks t1_jaaczxn wrote

The only thing I'm shocked about is them handing tools over dirty. Wash them suckers!


iWriteCodeSometimes t1_jaaigqb wrote

Goodness. Mine was no scalpel, 15 minutes, walked out.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaam7rn wrote

I opted for a more invasive procedure but with significantly lower chance of it healing on its own.


Spazmer t1_jaajscm wrote

My puppy got fixed today too and his goodie bag had deworming pills instead.


tailuptaxi t1_jaaonyw wrote

Interest fact: Urologists today often use a "scalpel-less" procedure to gain access to the scrotum. How's that work, you ask? They tear the scrotum open with their fingers like a gift wrapped in crepe paper. He said it heals faster.


Calcifurious_3 t1_jaavk5l wrote


tailuptaxi t1_jaavz2h wrote

I’m deadly serious about my scrotum and the cauterizing of my vas deferens.


Calcifurious_3 t1_jaax0er wrote

At the very least, they start with a puncture hole. It's the little things lol


Uncle_Budy t1_jaapuz9 wrote

They do the same thing with C-Sections. Tearing the stomach open by hand leaves a wound that heals much faster than slicing with a scalpel.


Catboy-Gaming t1_jab477i wrote

Ok so you get to take home the entire tool bag, but if I ask for JUST the cut up vas deferen tubes it’s “crazy,” yeah okay whatever 😤


jacobcota86 t1_jabh06n wrote

We send those to 3rd world countries and get some money...while they can be reprocessed you have to have a particular certification to do so and its not worth job is to reprocess instruments for surgery...most facilities ship them out to 3rd world countries or dont use those


goldfish1902 t1_jad6hoq wrote

can you guys send us incubators? Doctors in some isolated cities are tired of repurposing Coke bottles for preemies


jacobcota86 t1_jad6oam wrote

No i only deal with instruments that is equipment and they only send out "disposable" instruments


tonypizzaz t1_jaa4t7h wrote

Something went wrong by the looks of it


dlenks t1_jaardsz wrote

Jesus I literally have mine tomorrow morning at 8 AM and this is THE last thing that needed to pop up on my Reddit scroll…


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jaasezq wrote

It really wasn’t (and isn’t) that bad.


dlenks t1_jaax69p wrote

That’s what I’ve heard, the Valium beforehand should help! Doc told me the worst part is the shot to numb the area..


Awhitehill1992 t1_jaarwbz wrote

Jeez I guess I have vasectomy tools… and I only thought those forceps were useful for fly fishing…


Phil_Wild t1_jaase6s wrote

Kind of like the tool kit you get with a new car.


ChipmunkDependent128 t1_jaasrd8 wrote

Too many tools for such a simple operation I C B S


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab2fpp wrote

Yeah. He said he was gonna throw them all away anyways. And he didn’t even use 4 or 5 of them.


stellarinterstitium t1_jaav2cq wrote

Umm... how many testicles do you actually have? My guy used like 4 tools tops, and I hope he reused them because thats wasteful as hell.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab2563 wrote

It is super wasteful. Unfortunately the capitalist medical machine rages on, and it’s somehow cheaper to throw all these away and get a completely new set with each patient, instead of sterilizing them.


fauexgeit t1_jaazhuz wrote

When I do a vasectomy I just use my teeth.


onsomestupidriver t1_jab0cmc wrote

They….they use that many? 😩


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab189d wrote

Well it’s a single use kit with everything they would need. And They have to be knew for each use. So each testical/ vas deferens had: 1 for sewing, 1 for clamping, 1 for holding, 1 for pinching, and one for the MA to hold incase the MD needed her. So all of that x2


Kamerlyn t1_jab24j5 wrote

  1. Ouch.
  2. there seems to be duplicates here - why is that ?

prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab2kk4 wrote

It is a bit painful but not as bad as I thought it’d be.

Each tool can only be used once. So there’s a double set, one fire each testical/vas deferens.


Kamerlyn t1_jab3553 wrote

Thanks. Very informative! I’m 47 so I don’t have much use for that anymore but…. Yeah no. Unless you are knocking me out I’ll pass.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab3cpf wrote

Yeah that’s a fair decision. They can and do knock people out who need it done but are too anxious to do it awake. Just FYI.


Inevitable-Ad9590 t1_jab3x9b wrote

How many balls do you have?


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jab4dx4 wrote

Just 2. Though the doctor said a “third testical” of a blood clot could appear, so keep an eye out for that.

And each tool can only be used once, so it’s a double set since the procedure has to be done twice.


Surgrunner t1_jabgbx6 wrote

Adson Forceps, hemostats and drape clamps; none of this is disponible or cheap. What a strange thing to do.


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jabgm02 wrote

They said it was cheaper for them to have single use items than it was to have a clean room that’s demanded by the American medical board (or whoever).


Groinificator t1_jabj9hl wrote

Damn these are like, kinda boring actually

I'm interested, but only mildly


Forthe49ers t1_jabozbc wrote

How many testicles do you have?

Edit: Did. Did have?


kcolgeis t1_jad08gw wrote

Damn, How many balls do you have?


prayingforsuperpower OP t1_jad40k9 wrote

Just 2. The tools come together in a single use kit. And each tool can only be used once - so that’s two of every possibly needed tool since people generally have two testicals and two vas deferens.


kcolgeis t1_jad47gn wrote

When I got mine done I wasn't looking lol.