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Successful_Speech734 t1_ja16suy wrote

I eat it, but only because I have to watch my cholesterol. It tastes like a cat turd, rolled in saw dust, then lightly dusted with seasoning. But I guess you get used to it. No. No you don't.


Cult-of-710 t1_ja4e1hg wrote

Why would you eat these?


themirrorisrevolting t1_ja4xqft wrote

Apparently, according to him, seen to have been written by his hand not so long ago...he's watching his cholesterol. Now either that is the truth or he just likes the taste of cat turd and is shy about it.


blahbleh112233 t1_ja49oij wrote

Shits fucking vile. That's why. They had a bunch at NYC street fairs and they couldn't even give them away


Fred011235 t1_ja3iqli wrote

they had it at my local wallyworld for about week, then it was gone.


BigCommieMachine t1_ja3kxhx wrote

The aftertaste is unbearable.

Make it taste like a salt bomb. You shouldn’t be able to fuck it up


Caiden_The_Stoic t1_ja5d08y wrote

I guess I am in a minority but this is one of our go-to snacks at game night.


Smol_dude1 t1_ja3793d wrote

Burn it! Save the poor!


Bottle_Nachos t1_ja39r3t wrote

Please just quit being a Elendstourist and stop your "work" there if it ends up on reddit


nzhockeyfan t1_ja0rucd wrote

Just pull a Ron Swanson and throw it right in the garbage. (Actually, jerky seems like one of the easier things to make plant based. I would try it)


BuffyoBeer t1_ja0wxvy wrote

I have tried the Beyond Meat jerky. It wasn't bad, a little bland. The texture was reminiscent of real beef jerky. It wasn't as tough to chew as real beef jerky. I'll probably buy it again whenI see it at the checkout counter.


blahbleh112233 t1_ja4a2s4 wrote

Are you Vegan by any chance? I passed around a few free bags at work/friends and the only person who thought it wasn't bad was my Vegan friend who also incidentally basically just eats dressing-less salad all day.


BuffyoBeer t1_ja5z78s wrote

Not a vegan. It was drier than regular jerky.