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Jaerin t1_jdv6dec wrote

We don't know how to run a proper supply chain because we gambled on something and lost and instead of accepting OUR mistake we're going to pass the pain on to you and blame someone else for it.


Point-Connect t1_jdx5qqq wrote

That's not really how things work...they don't make all of their own stuff, it's sourced from all over the world and the supply chain literally broke down for almost every sector causing all kinds of odds and ends to be unsourceable. This is especially true for very specific items produced at a large scale.


AutoGeek3000 t1_jdx83d1 wrote

Agreed, I used to work in supply chain for a very large company and there are some items that needed a 1 year lead time. In other words, I had to order them 12 months ahead of when they would be delivered or they would not get delivered on time.

Most people don't realize how well oiled that machine was before covid, and how shutting it down completely fucked it. Yes, getting millions of pieces of tape, in the length, width, material, and adhesive you want, is probably really hard now in some cases.


Jaerin t1_jdxcj76 wrote

They didn't order enough, that's the gamble I was talking about. Lots of companies downsized or chose to do things that may limit their production due to COVID and other potential changes in demand. The failed gamble is when you don't estimate properly with a lead time like that and then have no backup plan other than tell the customer why it changed and to blame someone else.


Jaerin t1_jdxc4r6 wrote

Right and instead of choosing to source from somewhere or someone else they chose to go with a bottle without a handle on it instead. Those chose an alternative already, they just chose one that was likely cheaper at the cost of customer convenience rather than paying someone else more to keep it.
