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Ex4cvkg8_ t1_jd7dmga wrote

Your feet look perfectly healthy. I know it's common now for people to have narrow ass toes because of the tight shoes we wear but it's actually pretty bad for your feet if they're too narrow.

Perhaps most of the folks here are joking around but I do want to encourage you to keep your feets natural form! The toes are supposed to be the widest part of the foot and don't let anyone make ya think you're the abnormal one!


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7dueu wrote

Thank u :) i noticed my foot shape and arch improve greatly since i began wearing minimalist shoes so i thought the difference between my foot and a shoe i used to fit into was interesting :))

Also the jokes don't bother me, i think this comments section is hilarious


zap_nap t1_jd7bl4f wrote

Have you been living in the trees?


PrestigiousGrade7874 t1_jd7fvvh wrote

Get rid of them. Your feet look healthy. Those shoes are bunion-makers


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7g179 wrote

They're from a couple years ago. Though I've remained officially the same size my toes have gotten much wider and I've been much more conscious about my shoe shape :) i don't intend to wear those


WastedJake t1_jd7ca0p wrote

Well the shoe looks normal


Ex4cvkg8_ t1_jd7dwfb wrote

Which is a bit sad that that's what we think should be a normal shoe. The shoe industry really muck up our feet with the tight toeboxes. The feet in the pic should be normal not the shoe.


[deleted] t1_jd7cghr wrote

She apparently didn’t shop at the cobbler in Shire Baggins.


yesiusedcalmag t1_jd7dyp9 wrote

I didn’t know the Flintstones wore shoes. Yabba Dabba Doo!


Nuker-79 t1_jd7k9tj wrote

Shrek got his wish for human form.


Embarrassed_Visit437 t1_jd829sh wrote

This is a troll account. I don't mean that this person is baiting us for comments and votes, I mean an actual troll like from under a bridge has a reddit account.


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd8559z wrote

Who goes trip trap over my bridge ??!!


Embarrassed_Visit437 t1_jd8l1ym wrote

Refreshing to see a good sport on here! I applaud you, I think you may have just made reddit history.


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd9epxt wrote

Well thank you - i don't wanna be a stinker about it- i know my feet are funny. I think this comments section iis hilarious


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd8a5su wrote

I just wanna say that this is the most entertaining comments section I've ever seen on one of my posts


Awkward-Barnacle-778 t1_jd7fkyb wrote

Well, if you're putting the right on the left and vice versa, it'll never work out for you.


NotAPreppie t1_jd7h09y wrote

For some reason, I'm imagining you look like Princess Teabeanie from Disenchanent.


Fun_Nobody3375 t1_jd7h8b7 wrote

Do you have flat feet? My sister has it and looks exactly the same


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7hdu6 wrote

No, quite the opposite actually. My toes do spread but my ankles don't roll and create flat feet, because my toes can support the ankle. Actually the reason why i had to make my toes look wide is because i used to have flat feet and it was the only way to fix it.


L115u t1_jd7u42u wrote

I have often wondered whether shoe designers are a special breed, you know, with the largest toe in the middle. That would explain a lot.


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7bder wrote

Pls no weird foot comments


Cactaddict t1_jd8n55i wrote

Musta grew up wearing those toe socks and she’s with individual toes


Ambitious_Log_5559 t1_jdazn28 wrote


"Bitch, if you's a Hobbit, you need to tell me right the fuck now."


redditname8 t1_jdb1rti wrote

Oh, you're the lucky one. My big toe is shorter than the next 3 toes. My grandfather told me I had monkey feet. I can't wear sandals. My toes are too long. lol.


Beenis_Weenis t1_jdb28r1 wrote

Your toes look like they need braces


abbynormal999 t1_jdni0q9 wrote

Look at any causal shoe made by altra


Lokivstheworld t1_jdqvqwg wrote

That one goes on your right foot so that would explain why it doesn't fit on your left foot.


Kitty_gangv2 t1_jd8test wrote

Shave those god damn ankles πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


gringlemingle1 t1_jd7chvc wrote

Your feet are repulsive.


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7ckpf wrote

.. are feet supposed to be cute ?? You walk on em.


Ex4cvkg8_ t1_jd7debx wrote

They aren't repulsive, your feet are looking healthy. People forget that our toes are supposed to be the widest part of our feet. As someone who's been trying to get my natural toe spread back after years of wearing tight modern shoes I really envy you actually. Be proud of those grippas!


Ok-Arugula7486 OP t1_jd7dple wrote

Yes precisely :) that's why such comments don't really offend me. Thank you, fellow toe spread person