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PalletTownRed t1_je2tbfw wrote

I cannot imagine the determination of the people who carried these. My grandfather was infantry.


Davebobman t1_je39vlu wrote

Probably not the case but I was imagining that there was just a standard prayer book aimed at Christians and this version was "abridged" by removing any parts that weren't applicable to Jewish practitioners.


Umnak76 t1_je3gg67 wrote

Imagine being a Jew fighting against the Nazis in Germany, this guy had balls. I would had enjoyed meeting him.


Zz22zz22 t1_je3ikv0 wrote

My grandfather threw all of his military stuff away when he got back and never once talked about his experience. I’m always so curious about his time in the war, what it was like to be Jewish. He refused to carry a gun because of his religion, so he became a medic. I hope he had a prayer book like your grandfather’s.

Did you know you can request a family members medals from the military? Only the eldest child or something can request them though.


Hefty-Set5236 OP t1_je3jbq3 wrote

I didn't know that! My grandpa also destroyed everything from the war and never talked about it, except to his father who has long since passed. I don't know why this wasn't destroyed, perhaps for religious reasons or maybe he just forgot. Recently uncovered it in an old storage container.


Zz22zz22 t1_je3keab wrote

I’ve thought about having my dad request my grandfathers medals. But I sorta feel like that would be disrespectful, since he clearly didn’t want anything to do with his time in the war. Maybe I should honor that. The curiosity is there though.


fillyharemkeeper t1_je3qmf6 wrote

Right-wingers would call this woke nowadays for acknowledging Jewish people exist


azzmuncha t1_je48ie3 wrote

I’m pretty sure anyone that wasn’t a nazi at the time had big balls lmao drafter out of high school shipped across the world to fight people you can’t even understand