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acuriousguest t1_jdq3fj1 wrote

I sincerely hope you are okay now. The pandemic did a number on many people without having the added pleasure of taking care of a... struggling with adjectives here.. Broken body. Seeing some things just seems wrong if you aren't used to them and really make reevaluate life.


JonLongsonLongJonson t1_jdq4dlk wrote

I am doing much better now, thank you. I had to pull myself out of a deep depression to get back into living again though.

I was out of work for about a year and a half due to the injury and related depression. A few months after I got back to work (warehouses, didn’t graduate since I became homeless at 16, so that’s what I’m stuck with) I threw my back out horribly and was out again for about 5 months. Lost my job and therefore insurance, and therefore my car, and couldn’t finish physical therapy due to cost and transportation.

Laid around feeling bad for myself since I’m only 22 with such a messed up body including a chronic shoulder injury and no high school diploma or family whatsoever to fall back on.

Realized I was dragging my girlfriend down with me and we were just existing with no joy. Had to start going outside again, and then talking to people, and then applying for jobs. I’m at a temp agency now so I get bounced around a lot which sucks since I still don’t have a car. Been working 10hr days not including 3 hours commute every day to pull us out of paycheck to paycheck life, and now we have a great apartment in a better place, lots of time with each other, and I’m not fantasizing about a bus running me over nearly as often as I used to.

So all in all, things could be a hell of a lot worse. One week I lived on a single can of watermelon Arizona and 3 slices of bread because getting out of bed was literally an insurmountable task. Now I spend 13hrs a day out makin things happen for myself and my relationship.


Seskahawminy t1_jdq4v3n wrote

fuck bro. i read all that. keep chugging man. you're a real one.


soapboxingdaychamp OP t1_jdr1jn1 wrote

Holy shit man. I’m so proud of you and I hope you are insanely proud of yourself. Congratulations on being a badass and I hope whatever you are striving for in this life is presented to you. I have no idea who you are or where you are but if there is absolutely anything I can do to help you please don’t hesitate to reach out. It takes a lot to be resilient when facing what you have. Cheers!


JonLongsonLongJonson t1_jdrv5pl wrote

Thank you man, every day when I can pay a bill or get work done is a win on my book since for a long time I was just drifting along. It’s nice to contribute and not just take and feel bad for myself.


acuriousguest t1_jdq6acm wrote

Glad to hear that. Well, not the bad parts, but I'm glad you found a way through. Best of luck!


JonLongsonLongJonson t1_jdq7wzs wrote

Thank you:) I appreciate the small things a hell of a lot more right now than I used too


Alexander556 t1_jdrwl70 wrote

Did you lose a leg during that accident?

Hope everything works out well in the future.


JonLongsonLongJonson t1_jdry4e4 wrote

My right hand and some more of the arm, large chunks of my midsection area, and burned all over my chest, stomach, and arms/left hand.

My hospital roommate fell asleep while camping with his dad and woke up to their trailer exploding with him inside it from a gas leak. He had like 90% burns over his whole body. That dude was fuckin tough to the quick. I don’t feel bad about my burns when I think of David in full body gauze and crying from the pain of breathing.


Alexander556 t1_jds8ca0 wrote

Thats pretty bad, wish you the best.
I hope David got better too, just thinking about it is horrible.


BubbleBoyBotanica t1_jdv4kg2 wrote

Love u man. Been through hell my self. Ran over by forklift. Compartment syndrome and crush syndrome. 16 surgeries. I had 2 kids at the time with my girl 7 mo preg... at the time of the accident I was 2 years clean and sober off opiates I had gone cold turkey off 200mg daily methadone 2 years prior to accident. Went through all this with almost no pain meds.. our bodies and minds are insane.


mristic t1_jdsxtcx wrote

Kudos my man! Keep it going alright!