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slowy t1_jdsrurb wrote

It is better for reducing the risk of infection when wounds bleed like that, but key word is reducing, bacteria can still be stuck at the edges of the wound with blood flowing past them, tiny pieces of dirt or rust can get stuck in the tissues if the wound is deep, and it is just not a 100% guarantee at all. It also definitely should be considered in the context of the treatment - a very safe, single vaccination, with good long term efficacy, ~10 years. It’s not like a risky invasive surgery or anything, just seems very strange not to suggest it. If you had got it in the more recent past maybe she was just reassuring you?


DongLongus t1_jdtajlw wrote

It was a galvanized nail so no rust, the only thing I was worried about was that it was in rotten wood but he said I bled out a lot and I got it cleaned with soap and water, the bleeding was enough to get rid of any dirty blood, it sounds like people think I’m some sort of antivaxxer for saying that when you bleed it gets rid of anything that might cause infection so sometimes it’s better to control the bleed then contain everything immediately