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safeness t1_jefxexb wrote

Mushroom trips can be really difficult, especially if you overdo it and get ego death. That was quite unsettling.

Taking alcohol out may help. It can really bring out trauma and give you a chance to heal yourself. They’re using mushrooms in a clinical setting to help people through things like PTSD. There’s a Netflix documentary called changing your mind that shows what powerful tools for good psychedelics can be.

Exploring your consciousness can get weird and overwhelming. So if you’re with someone you trust in a place you feel safe and comfortable you’ll generally have a good time.


rasta4eye OP t1_jefycch wrote

Thank you. The first time i took them I got immense feelings of being a failure and disappointment to everyone I knew... Which is 100% not the way I normally am. I'm normally very self confident and proud of my accomplishments.

I appreciate your thoughtful response!


safeness t1_jefz69n wrote

Instead of therapy, I worked through most of my baggage with cannabis and introspection. Being present with my feelings and not shying away from difficult questions changed my life.

It’s certainly not for everyone, but it did help me.

Have a good rest of your day!