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ThePantser t1_jdwactb wrote

The fact that the guy on the shirt is not wearing a helmet is probably right. And he is wearing on so maybe that death resonated with him.


AndroidMyAndroid t1_jdwi2r0 wrote

He's wearing a skullcap, which is only a helmet in the legal sense (and even then, helmet manufacturers give themselves a DOT rating and are not independently tested). Those things are useless in a crash.


TheFightingQuaker t1_jdws9mg wrote

Hey now, it's possible you'll crash in such a way where you slide on the tippy top of your head!


leglesslegolegolas t1_jdxiclo wrote

It's also possible that you'll plant the top of your head directly into the A-pillar of the truck that turned into your path. Ask me how I know...


AndroidMyAndroid t1_jdxor14 wrote

Sure, it's possible that you'll bounce off the ground like a pogo stick. It's just very unlikely.


Why_T t1_jdxoz17 wrote

That's thicker than a skull cap. It what my wife and I were wearing when we had our wreck. It without a doubt saved her life.


AndroidMyAndroid t1_jdxrqjx wrote

I'm glad you both made it out of your crash alive, but statistically the face and jaw are most likely to be impacted in a motorcycle crash and the DOT standard that half helmets are designed to pass (because they can't pass ECE or SNELL tests) can still kill you at moderate impact speeds. I wear a 6D helmet, which has game-changing slip plane technology (generations ahead of MIPS) but any kind of MIPS helmet can do more than just save your life, but prevent common traumatic brain injuries that are hard to statistically quantify but can really make a difference in actual recovery and quality of life post-crash.


Why_T t1_jdxt26i wrote

We both wear full face helmets now. No idea what their rating is, I know it was good when I bought them.


AndroidMyAndroid t1_jdxvnsq wrote

Look at the sticker on the back of the helmet. You'll (hopefully) see the legally required DOT sticker, and likely a SNELL or ECE sticker. ECE is best.


leglesslegolegolas t1_jdxi4m6 wrote

> Those things are useless in a crash.

Depends on the crash. Mine definitely saved me the last time I crashed.


AndroidMyAndroid t1_jdxquil wrote

It's possible but it's a fact that the face and lower jaw is the most common impact zone on your head. And it's also a fact that the DOT standard to which half helmets are tested to (because they absolutely can't pass any tougher standard) allows enough force to be transmitted to the head to kill you. They're better than nothing but please get a proper, preferably ECE rated helmet. I have a 6D and honestly believe it's objectively, and by some margin the safest helmet on the market, but anything with MIPS will not only save your life it'll prevent traumatic brain injuries. There's a lot of things that can happen to your head between "dead" and "normal", and a good helmet can not only keep you alive but keep your from drooling on yourself for the rest of your life.


hairysperm t1_jdxddof wrote

Guy on the shirt looks like he's wearing the same type of helmet. Not sure what you're seeing