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HealthyInPublic t1_itx4sc3 wrote

Haha that happened to me with cedar! Everything caused a reaction besides cedar so he did an intradermal on my arm and I had a wild reaction. He determined that the first cedar prick he did on my back wasn’t applied right because I’m very allergic. Lol


RandomStranger456123 t1_itxgybr wrote

If you trigger on everything then it should point to the carrier being a positive allergen and a re-try of all the other tests with a different carrier.


HealthyInPublic t1_itxiwta wrote

Prick tests always have a positive and negative control. A histamine control should always have a reaction, and a saline control should always have no reaction. My controls were normal.

But “everything” was a tiny hyperbole. I also wasn’t allergic to a couple of other things that I expected to not be allergic to like eggs, soy, etc. so they didn’t cause a reaction.


KivogtaR t1_ityaqzg wrote

Mine showed I was allergic to soy but the histamine and salt water didn't react.

We had a hunch I was allergic to soy prior to the test, so the test resulted in the doctor saying we can either do the test again or assume I'm allergic to soy and change my diet. The plan of attack wouldn't really change, just asked if I wanted confirmation.

Also, they can't charge me for the misfired test apparently which was nice.


Pragmatist203 t1_itxoqmt wrote

I have never heard of someone besides myself being allergic to cedar. I just cut down a bunch of them on Tuesday and the rash is almost gone.

So far I'm still all alone in the watermelon and orange oil category. Never heard of anyone with those.


HealthyInPublic t1_itxpd8f wrote

Oh boy. Don’t come to central TX then! We’re all allergic to cedar here! My allergist was telling me that cedar allergies are the only allergen that people come to him with and say “if you can’t fix my cedar allergy, I’m going to have move out of Austin.” Cedar is bad here.

But I can thankfully say I’m not allergic to watermelon and orange! I love both of those things! Unfortunately, my food allergy is wheat, which is lightly annoying.


Pragmatist203 t1_itxu00o wrote

My only issue with it is physically handling it. I don't have any problem with the pollen, just the wood. I haven't used it in woodworking since high school, so my only exposure to it is cleaning out volunteers in the fencelines every year or so. Damn birds eat the seeds and drop them out while sitting on the fences.


BestDevilYouKnow t1_ity27kq wrote

Orange oil allergy suuuuucks. No OJ, since they grind up the peel, and the oil is in every orange flavored food. Gotta watch out for all orange cleaning products too.


Pragmatist203 t1_ity4cho wrote

Yep, that's about the size of it.

I drink my screwdrivers with grapefruit juice.


DirectorHuman5467 t1_itypvyd wrote

That's called a Greyhound.


Pragmatist203 t1_itzw79c wrote

Ok, didn't know that. I generally don't drink outside of the house anymore now that I don't have a stomach. I get sloppy pretty very quickly and off of very little.


Minionz t1_ity2ddq wrote

That is super sad. The smell of cedar is up there with one of my favorite smells.


Pragmatist203 t1_ity4j2n wrote

Smells good, I just cannot touch it. Just having the dust touch me makes my skin look like poison ivy rash.