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obeanonamas t1_itxfa50 wrote

How the term " practicing physician" came to be . Honestly, I think it's best to avoid tests like this. Had one 50 yrs ago. Didn't go back. I'm fine. Learned to avoid the obvious, trail and error ( won't buy that Soap again, eat that food again, roll around in that forest again, etc.) You'll be fine trust yourself. Or, wait until you see the pharmacy bill, doc bill, oh wait! Did mom drag u in there? Based on armhair, ur old enough to make ur own call . Best of luck tho .


Armatur1 t1_ityjoto wrote

are you insane? some allergies can straight up kill you if you aren't brought immediataly in a hospital (or have adrenaline in your fridge), especially the shellfish OP was talking about, there's no trial and error in some occasions