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Rahdit42 t1_itx1f94 wrote

When I did this, they did it on my back.


GoodboyJohnnyBoy t1_itx28te wrote

They stuck a huge plaster on my back which stayed on for three days and the one thing that I’m allergic to burnt a deep hole in my back which gets infected to this day.


FoxWolfFrostFire t1_itx29hi wrote

I had to get this across my whole back and everything triggered besides dogs and pine trees...but then the doctor was like "we'll just use MORE dog and pine to see if that triggers something " it did lol


NoPineapple6682 t1_itx2l6r wrote

That’s crazy! Do they just wipe it in your arm or? Never had one before


hissifit t1_itx33vp wrote

What‘s G? Clearly your kryptonite.


Monkey-Newz OP t1_itx3dmk wrote

So it’s a solution in which they use a little dropper to drip the separate allergens on your skin, then they use a tiny metal spike and put just enough pressure to introduce it into your pores to see if it triggers a response from your immune system.

After the initial droplets, I waited about 15 mins and that was the result.


Omega_Aleks t1_itx3fkf wrote

Same, tested positive on 20 out of 24, they are all pretty mild though, nothing worse than irritation, itching or a some coughing with a stuffed nose in the most serious cases


Monkey-Newz OP t1_itx4etw wrote

I had suspected I had a shellfish allergy for years now (that’s Lobster, Crab and Prawn on my arm) and wanted to get it confirmed 100% once and for all.

It might be worth a go, I learnt I’m also allergic to dust mites, which are super common and not something I was really aware I could do better avoiding. Only downside is it was not cheap (about £230)…


HealthyInPublic t1_itx4sc3 wrote

Haha that happened to me with cedar! Everything caused a reaction besides cedar so he did an intradermal on my arm and I had a wild reaction. He determined that the first cedar prick he did on my back wasn’t applied right because I’m very allergic. Lol


Mrs_TikiPupuCheeks t1_itx6xvw wrote

Had the arm one done and it triggered everything, so the doc did the back one and that also triggered the majority of them. Biggest offender was cat, dog, grass, oak, pineapple, shrimp, crab, fish.


thesordidsword t1_itx9ibq wrote

My arm test said I was allergic to everything except a camel.


obeanonamas t1_itxfa50 wrote

How the term " practicing physician" came to be . Honestly, I think it's best to avoid tests like this. Had one 50 yrs ago. Didn't go back. I'm fine. Learned to avoid the obvious, trail and error ( won't buy that Soap again, eat that food again, roll around in that forest again, etc.) You'll be fine trust yourself. Or, wait until you see the pharmacy bill, doc bill, oh wait! Did mom drag u in there? Based on armhair, ur old enough to make ur own call . Best of luck tho .


dadofthegoob t1_itxfvgw wrote

That's what my arm pretty much looks like right now. Got into some poison ivy last weekend. Not fun.


685327593 t1_itxge1t wrote

They have a blood test now, no need for wrecking your shit like this anymore.


No-Werewolf5615 t1_itxgmec wrote

These are the worse, especially if they need to do a ton cause it then gets put on your back


HealthyInPublic t1_itxiwta wrote

Prick tests always have a positive and negative control. A histamine control should always have a reaction, and a saline control should always have no reaction. My controls were normal.

But “everything” was a tiny hyperbole. I also wasn’t allergic to a couple of other things that I expected to not be allergic to like eggs, soy, etc. so they didn’t cause a reaction.


tke494 t1_itxkj9z wrote

It doesn't work well with food. You digestion interacts too much with food for a skin test to be accurate.

I'm allergic to lots of stuff. It probably depends upon the location of the eczema, since it can have lots of other causes. I got eczema on the backs of my legs and sometimes the insides of my elbows when I was a kid. It started as a baby. But, it was consistent in when it happened. Spring, through summer. Trees pollen is a problem in spring. Grass is a problem in summer. Ragweed is a problem in fall. Winter is about mold and maybe dust. My problem is mostly trees, so I might be off about the others.

Testing doesn't always find allergies. It only finds the most common allergies, because that's what is tested for. You can also find allergies by tracking. For eczema, that would probably not be food. So, time of year, what was he in physical contact with? Contact might not be immediately apparent, like laundry detergent.


NoPineapple6682 t1_itxoa0o wrote

Thanks for the info!

His eczema started as a baby also; he’s nearly 3 now and it’s progressively getting worse and I can’t figure out the triggers. The doctors basically just say to make sure I moisturise and no soap, which I do anyways. Did yours go away as you got older? I feel so bad for him it looks so bad sometimes. He doesn’t itch or seem bothered by it tho which is good


Pragmatist203 t1_itxoqmt wrote

I have never heard of someone besides myself being allergic to cedar. I just cut down a bunch of them on Tuesday and the rash is almost gone.

So far I'm still all alone in the watermelon and orange oil category. Never heard of anyone with those.


Pragmatist203 t1_itxpbhw wrote

If that's all you got, you got off easy. For my first test, they turned me into a pincushion. Both arms and down my back.


HealthyInPublic t1_itxpd8f wrote

Oh boy. Don’t come to central TX then! We’re all allergic to cedar here! My allergist was telling me that cedar allergies are the only allergen that people come to him with and say “if you can’t fix my cedar allergy, I’m going to have move out of Austin.” Cedar is bad here.

But I can thankfully say I’m not allergic to watermelon and orange! I love both of those things! Unfortunately, my food allergy is wheat, which is lightly annoying.


cobaltred05 t1_itxsls5 wrote

I too, am allergic to math. Addition, subtraction, and even the dreaded diagonal addition (multiplication) is toxic to me!


Pragmatist203 t1_itxu00o wrote

My only issue with it is physically handling it. I don't have any problem with the pollen, just the wood. I haven't used it in woodworking since high school, so my only exposure to it is cleaning out volunteers in the fencelines every year or so. Damn birds eat the seeds and drop them out while sitting on the fences.


Doodle_Brush t1_itxxj4b wrote

I got tested for a nut and barley allergy. I got about 40 of those at once.


kaidobit t1_ity4qn3 wrote

I've seen so many pictures of these in the last days

Why are you guys so allergic to everything?! Like how do you even live without getting intoxicated by literally anything?!

When I did this test it triggered on house dust only and they tested so much stuff on me


SwaMaeg t1_ity8b2a wrote

Looks like you enjoy Terminator 2 but most of the others bother you.


KivogtaR t1_ityaqzg wrote

Mine showed I was allergic to soy but the histamine and salt water didn't react.

We had a hunch I was allergic to soy prior to the test, so the test resulted in the doctor saying we can either do the test again or assume I'm allergic to soy and change my diet. The plan of attack wouldn't really change, just asked if I wanted confirmation.

Also, they can't charge me for the misfired test apparently which was nice.


_D3ft0ne_ t1_itycnnv wrote

Looks like you are not very allergic to H&M Stores.. They have decent stuff.


Winter98765 t1_ityi06q wrote

Blood test can’t be used for testing lots of things at once. But it was helpful for my daughter when she was just a baby and wouldn’t hold still for the skin tests.


Armatur1 t1_ityjbgd wrote

nope, some allergies trigger in a different way and the way to test them is with this "patch test", more annoying than the "prick test" that you did for sure but it's the only way, usually it's used for allergies to metals like nichel for example


Armatur1 t1_ityjh0n wrote

not true at all, besides the cost which would be much higher if you wanted to the test the igE of a wide array of allergens but even then it wouldn't prove 100% that you are allergic, you have to do the prick test


Armatur1 t1_ityjoto wrote

are you insane? some allergies can straight up kill you if you aren't brought immediataly in a hospital (or have adrenaline in your fridge), especially the shellfish OP was talking about, there's no trial and error in some occasions


Allcapino t1_itykxzc wrote

At lest you arent alergic to ham


dubvision t1_itymekr wrote

I had my test done last year with a blood extraction, never with those mark in my arm O_o


PudgeCake t1_ityotbz wrote

My god, powerfully allergic to grass.
Your life must be like that episode of Sliders where there's monsters that live under the dirt and stepping foot on the grass anywhere gets you dragged down and eaten.
Whole cities where no one dares enter the parks. Weirdly, the grass has still been mowed.


wkrick t1_ityqs4f wrote

I recall reading something recently about these multi-tests. If I remember correctly, they said that the results are suspect because of the way your body reacts to potential allergens changes if you're already having a reaction to something. So it's actually possible that you're very allergic to just one of the things they're testing but with your body on high alert, other things cause reactions that wouldn't alone, which makes it look like you're allergic to lots of things.


Monkey-Newz OP t1_ityr1l0 wrote

It’s actually only that bad on contact, so if I was to roll around in grass like I did when I was a kid I would come back with a red back, otherwise it’s not too bad. I’m certainly not like paralysed by it.


aylesworth t1_ityrc7r wrote

Man, only 6? You got off easy!


Illustrious-Comb1970 t1_ityscbu wrote

I had that test too , i am allergic to Harz or Epoxid Harz which is used in construction , i work as a Painter and you have that shit in some 2k Paints , i had 2 times an allergic Schock reaction on it and collapsed


mileswilliams t1_ityxm7f wrote

Looks like you are allergic to allergy tests.


justk4y t1_itz9dd9 wrote

I’ve had one too, thankfully no allergies for me


PossibilityNo5507 t1_itzbil3 wrote

I remember when I did this test. I was hoping that I had a strange allergy. Unfortunately they found none. Anyway, I feel for you!


77slevin t1_itzf9pm wrote

> and sometimes the insides of my elbows

Have this since last 2 years. Never had eczema in my life. Cream from the doc clears it up after a month of treatment. Going to have to do an allergy test, I figure.


ThePurpleLance t1_itzg6lj wrote

Yeah, they pinch you with different liquids and based on how your body reacts to them, they diagnose you with an Alergy or not.

That's the best way I was able to explain what they did to me, sorry If I got anything wrong.


IdiotIAm96 t1_itzi7l3 wrote

I'm sure that most people have more allergies than they think. Obviously not 20+ for the majority but I'm sure the people who have 2 or 3 allergies actually have closer to like 5 or 6 and just haven't found out yet. But then again, I'm just an idiot who spends too much time on Reddit.


ericd50 t1_itzi9on wrote

What if you are allergic to needles?


burnodo2 t1_iu02r4b wrote

at least it's not your grocery list


tke494 t1_iu1p92f wrote

I stopped getting it in high school or college. It has come back briefly once or twice as an adult. Definitely only in the spring as an adult. I think it lasted longer as a kid.

Mine was pretty bad. It itched a lot and the backs of my legs. The backs of my legs were all scab some of the time.

As an adult, I found that baby powder helps. A particular kind of dandruff shampoo helps. I don't remember the name, but it was thicker than most shampoos. Definitely a strong shampoo.

As an adult, I was better able to eliminate foods I'm allergic to. Either I was better able to notice when I had a reaction than my parents or they didn't believe if I even thought to tell them.

The problem with tracking food allergies is that people often don't eat one food at a time. People eat a bunch of foods all mixed. Also, allergies can add up. Like, maybe they don't react to one allergen but react to three together.

I've started a list of the various things my son ate not long before he has had reactions.