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Ripwind t1_iu2nrha wrote

I just put in a 50A circuit (takes up two breaker slots) and had a NEMA outlet installed for my 2019 Kona, with a 40A Juicepack charger. About 1k USD all in. These things require about as much as an electric dryer. The nice thing is, this charger can get my car from 0 miles to 250 over night, or about 8 hours. I think that's about what normal people will have installed. I got away with a portable 110v charger for a loooong time though.

I think people who worry about the range forget the fact that it's like leaving your house every morning with a full tank of gas, if you really wanted.


intashu t1_iu4002b wrote

This. Using a standard 120v outlet my hybrid vehicle can get 50 miles in a 12 hour charge overnight.

Most people don't drive over 50 miles a day.

And this is just with a standard wall outlet. Using a 220 outlet like a dryer or RV uses I could be getting that same charge in ~4 hours.

And my car charges slow AF because it's a chevy Volt hybrid. Most electric vehicles charge at double or more the speeds as mine.

Range anxiety isn't even a concern once you realize you can top off your vehicle literally every night if you wanted to. And your daily driving isn't really all that far.

A small up front cost of installing a proper charging setup at home, and you'll be saving money within a year from all the gas you don't need to be buying each week!