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andersonfmly t1_iueqxfb wrote

I could actually get behind this idea, but it also be pretty dangerous for me since I have a rather profound weakness for potato chips.


The_RockObama t1_iuhsrbe wrote

Whoa.. I recognized your username from my most recent tree post. What is happening..


andersonfmly t1_iuhv1go wrote

And a “lively” post that one is. Both are on MI, weren’t posted all that far apart as I recall, and both caught my interest for different reasons (I worked as a graphic artist for 33+ years, and I love potato chips.)


jimbolikescr t1_iufjje8 wrote

Profound weakness? Are you deathly allergic to sweet potato? Your love for sweet potato has such depth you eat yourself to death? Sweet potato is like your kryptonite and physically weakens you?


andersonfmly t1_iufl7us wrote

Thanks "Karen" for your valiant, but ultimately futile, effort to suck the joy out of another's life. Better luck next time. BTW - The image is NOT of chips made from sweet potatoes.