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imTru t1_iuf0pju wrote

What's the significance of that number?


Lysdexiic t1_iuf1c0t wrote

I'm not 100% sure, but I know there's a rapper that says it alot in his songs. Fetty Wop is his name I think

There's also an expensive alcohol called 1738 as well


igetstoitasap t1_iui5ekq wrote

Expensive? I bought a fifth of 1738 daily until the package store said they couldn't get anymore (bout 3-4 months), had to step up to Paradis. But yeah, buddy loves some Fetty it seems. -cbf4life

Yes I was an alcoholic, 10 months sober now!!


EYELESSMACINTOSH OP t1_iuf18fr wrote

Its from a song


f1junkie t1_iuf1ncg wrote

But not a good one.


Ok-Brilliant-1872 t1_iuf0sz8 wrote

What is special about the specific amount of $17.38? Sounds random not mildly interesting…


Inevergnu t1_iuf1vm9 wrote

Oh come on- it's $17.38! I remember getting freaked at a receipt for $14.22. Not sure why tho..


randommmmmqw t1_iuf1715 wrote

Mildly interesting? Do you take a photo of a clock on the wall at 11:11 and post it on interestingaf?


jkemp5891 t1_iuf5ql9 wrote

The internet has rotted humanity’s collective brain. This is not interesting.


Alarmed-Spinach541 t1_iuf60b4 wrote

"1738 AY! I SAID HEY WHAT'S UP HELLO" That song was a banger when I was younger dude hahah


1feralengineer t1_iuf1jtk wrote

Do they sell you a box to jack into, or a box someone else jacked into?