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SkyPuppeteer OP t1_iu5oie3 wrote

As someone who was diagnosed with ADD back somewhere between the two years that I was in 4th and 5th grade--(in the American school system), and have just gone to saying ADD/ADHD to then just simply stating ADHD as the years have gone by, and my symptoms noticeably went from being more ADD focused to then include hyperactivity traits/symptoms--I would greatly recommend trying medication!

If you think you may need, always try talking to your doctor about it, and seeing if you can get started on a low dose--and I mean A LOW DOSE!! You need to be able to see how it affects you, your head, your body, etc., and while a low dose may not be very effective, it also means side-effects will be minimized (this is very important to understand, especially if you do actually get started on focus pills. Trust me; I've been taking focus meds for years now, and have been through several variations of dosages, brands, etc, because of insurance/price reasons, as well because of how dosage or "power" adjustments had to be done or made. Biggest issues I've had with them all so far has been with eating--like, my stomach tells me I'm hungry, but a disconnect occurs between my mouth and upper throat, and while I know I need to eat, sometimes the thought of food is upsetting in itself, or like I can't actually eat anything (this is why I've had "meals" in the past that were like,,, just a milkshake from Arby's, so I got /some/ kind of nutrients, and I didn't have to chew). Sometimes I will get into the ADHD, hyper-focus zone, and even though I can feel my stomach clawing at me to eat something, I literally cannot stop myself from working (this is another scenario where that milkshake may come in). Taking meds after a night of no sleep, very restless sleep, or very minor amounts of sleep, will usually cause me to be VERY hyperactive and unable to focus, and around a year or two ago I started taking anxiety meds (and have for.. less than a year? been taking this specific kind of anxiety med that I'm directed to "take as needed," and usually when I feel like I'm having a panic or anxiety attack, I'll take them, sometime before I know something stressful is about to happen, etc., and pretty much every time I have an energy drink (to help me wake up, especially for these super early classes I have, but I somehow always forget that energy drinks tend to not work like that with ADHD) I end up having an attack of some sort, or one that lasts the entire day, and I have to take those "emergency meds")

That's a hella long way for me to say, go for it, try it out! But be careful of the side-effects that can come from being on it, potentially also being off of it (ask your doctor if the specific pills you take, if you end up getting prescribed focus meds, are ones you shouldn't stop taking "cold turkey," or if it's okay to not take them during weekends, breaks, etc.), and try and make sure you have referenced you can list that show why you believe you may need focus meds (hell, if your friends/family/etc can vouch for you, have them talk about or write down what symptoms they've noticed from you). You kind of want to do something like the last one, or else your doc may think you're trying to get access to restricted, controlled drugs, so you can get a quick high or so (this is also why I said ask for a low dose to try it out).

Medication doesn't work for everyone, and it's OK if it doesn't end up working for you. A lot of people may turn to meditation to help them, and I know my own brother kind of "grew out of" his ADHD by finding his outlet in sports.

If you just need, in general, ways to help you focus, I'd say trying and work with stuff relating to/around your senses. If I need to completely focus on a paper I'm writing or so, I've found that my sense of hearing can be actually really sensitive, and that what can often cause me to lose focus is audio cues or just general noises. Therefore, I use stuff like to help block out the noise, and overpower my sense of hearing /so much/, that it eventually becomes like white noise that I can easily ignore, and that quickly can get me into the focusing mode.

Sorry this was so long; let me know if you need any more advice, info, etc. I'm here to help as much as I possibly can!