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4a4a t1_iydm5nz wrote

They had similar labels on everything when I was in Mexico a few weeks ago. But interestingly there were also pretty much no 'diet' soda options there.


5_under t1_iyduv9a wrote

Mexico is very addicted to Coca Cola. Safer than the water in many places so it's all they drink all day.


ifartsosomuch t1_iyerbrg wrote

I was mostly in larger cities, but I could get Coke Zero in Mexico and Peru, or "Coca Cola sin Azucar." Nobody had Diet Coke, except one Subway in the Mexico City airport.


LUNATIC_LEMMING t1_iyeem9f wrote

honestly i'm 90% sure that those diet sodas are going to be one of those things we look at and think wtf were we doing.

either have soda or don't, but those sugar replacements are poison in thier own way

and this is from someone thats recetly dropped from a 5-6 cans a day coca-cola habit to just water. (and tea, with one sugar i'm slowley weaning my way off)


ifartsosomuch t1_iyeume7 wrote

There's no evidence that aspartame does 95% of the shit that's attributed to it. "YoU mIgHt As WeLl JuSt DrInK rEgUlaR," say busybodies peering their noses down at my Diet Coke while on their sixth beer of the evening. "It's sweet, so your stomach thinks it's sugar, and your body treats it like sugar!" someone told me once, but as far as I'm aware, there's no mechanism for glycolysis to happen on aspartame molecules.

That being said, I quit Diet Coke to see if it would help me lose weight. There are no long-term human studies showing this (because nobody has done them), but there are mouse studies showing that aspartame encourages the proliferation of insulin-resistant gut bacteria. It hasn't helped at all, but I'm going to stay off the DC another three months. If there's still no change, I'll go back to it, because it tastes delicious.


LUNATIC_LEMMING t1_iyewwum wrote

not looking down on your diet coke at all, but from the riot act i got, theres plenty other stuff besides the sugar that makes these drinks poison.

I'm taking the 1-2 a week as a treat approach.

diet tastes aweful to me anyway, apparantly the artificial sweateners taste very different to different people. it's why as well as diet coke / pepsi theres zero and max

now if only i could kick the chocolate ^^


blankasfword t1_iyev6gw wrote

I’m 90% sure regular sugar sodas are going to be one of those things we look at and think wtf were we doing.

A 20oz Pepsi has somewhere in the ballpark of 65g of sugar. That’s like a third of a cup of sugar. That’s insane. Our culture is wildly addicted to sugar and consumes waaaayyyyyy too much. It’s not just coincidence obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are so common.

Artificial sweetener may or may not be bad for you. Consuming copious amounts of sugar is definitely bad for you.

Obviously the best thing to drink is water though.