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MidnighT0k3r t1_iydhfd0 wrote

This is a good thing!


bobdvb t1_iye6yg0 wrote

I've managed to convince my kid that he doesn't like sodas.


Otomuss t1_iyebjwz wrote

Haha. I remember when my cousins parents told him he has alcohol allergy xD. The dude was so scared of anything that contained alcohol for ao many years until he realised his parents were full of shit.


Aridan t1_iyeccjh wrote

Ah yes, just lie to the kids instead of educating them on making good decisions. That surely has never caused any developmental problems ever.


bobdvb t1_iyedcpu wrote

I don't really lie to him, initially I told him he was too young for soda, then time has passed, he's tried sparkling water and didn't like the bubbles. So he's convinced he won't like it, even when offered he will refuse.

On the other hand, he'll be offered to taste or smell anything now. Even alcohol he will turn his nose at, but he's too young to appreciate it anyway.


Aridan t1_iyeexra wrote

That sounds like lying with extra steps lol.

Idk, the people who I know who have the worst relationships with food came from families that didn’t allow treats like soda and forced their kids to eat organic because “reasons”

On the other hand I’m very comfortable with food and was never given any restrictions on what I could or couldn’t have growing up (with obvious exceptions like alcohol, which I was never given growing up at all, and which I ended up with a bit of a drinking problem at one point)

Maybe that’s not science but perhaps a correlation of some kind.


garry4321 t1_iyeoh93 wrote

Obesity (caused in large part from massive amounts of sugar intake) is literally killing twice as many people as cigarettes.


Stacking_Plates45 t1_iydjd03 wrote

Should probably have the high sugar warning in all countries.

Full sugar soda is killing people left and right


[deleted] t1_iydojlb wrote

iirc, when i was young there was this whole big thing about putting warnings on soda as well as limiting how much can be sold.

the parent companies for these sodas spent billions bribing and lobbying to keep it the way it was, having everyone ignorantly sucking down these sugary acids.

and out of all that, i think only New York attempted to actually regulate how much soda can be sold in one sitting and the "BUT MUH FREEDUMS" crowd busted their brains over it


Sequil t1_iye12zx wrote

In my opinion it should be on all drinks with more then half of the sugar and/or calorie contend. This means also all fruit drinks.


[deleted] t1_iye9quk wrote



Blood_Jesus t1_iyeabf7 wrote

But there are many that don't know how bad sugar is for you.


HexicPyth t1_iyf2wii wrote

And many who think that juice isn't just liquid sugar with some vitamins and minerals


Blood_Jesus t1_iyfckgw wrote

Oh my God I love juice SO much. I wish it didn't give me diabetes.


[deleted] t1_iydhank wrote

Because the shit is nearly toxic bro.


[deleted] t1_iydo55k wrote

keeps my butt tubes really clean, AND makes sure my pancreas always stays strong by making it work out hard 💪


4a4a t1_iydm5nz wrote

They had similar labels on everything when I was in Mexico a few weeks ago. But interestingly there were also pretty much no 'diet' soda options there.


5_under t1_iyduv9a wrote

Mexico is very addicted to Coca Cola. Safer than the water in many places so it's all they drink all day.


ifartsosomuch t1_iyerbrg wrote

I was mostly in larger cities, but I could get Coke Zero in Mexico and Peru, or "Coca Cola sin Azucar." Nobody had Diet Coke, except one Subway in the Mexico City airport.


LUNATIC_LEMMING t1_iyeem9f wrote

honestly i'm 90% sure that those diet sodas are going to be one of those things we look at and think wtf were we doing.

either have soda or don't, but those sugar replacements are poison in thier own way

and this is from someone thats recetly dropped from a 5-6 cans a day coca-cola habit to just water. (and tea, with one sugar i'm slowley weaning my way off)


ifartsosomuch t1_iyeume7 wrote

There's no evidence that aspartame does 95% of the shit that's attributed to it. "YoU mIgHt As WeLl JuSt DrInK rEgUlaR," say busybodies peering their noses down at my Diet Coke while on their sixth beer of the evening. "It's sweet, so your stomach thinks it's sugar, and your body treats it like sugar!" someone told me once, but as far as I'm aware, there's no mechanism for glycolysis to happen on aspartame molecules.

That being said, I quit Diet Coke to see if it would help me lose weight. There are no long-term human studies showing this (because nobody has done them), but there are mouse studies showing that aspartame encourages the proliferation of insulin-resistant gut bacteria. It hasn't helped at all, but I'm going to stay off the DC another three months. If there's still no change, I'll go back to it, because it tastes delicious.


LUNATIC_LEMMING t1_iyewwum wrote

not looking down on your diet coke at all, but from the riot act i got, theres plenty other stuff besides the sugar that makes these drinks poison.

I'm taking the 1-2 a week as a treat approach.

diet tastes aweful to me anyway, apparantly the artificial sweateners taste very different to different people. it's why as well as diet coke / pepsi theres zero and max

now if only i could kick the chocolate ^^


blankasfword t1_iyev6gw wrote

I’m 90% sure regular sugar sodas are going to be one of those things we look at and think wtf were we doing.

A 20oz Pepsi has somewhere in the ballpark of 65g of sugar. That’s like a third of a cup of sugar. That’s insane. Our culture is wildly addicted to sugar and consumes waaaayyyyyy too much. It’s not just coincidence obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are so common.

Artificial sweetener may or may not be bad for you. Consuming copious amounts of sugar is definitely bad for you.

Obviously the best thing to drink is water though.


Morty_Goldman t1_iydl7lg wrote

In my country they have to put warning labels on laundry detergent telling us not to eat or drink it.


its_Trollcraft t1_iydhmda wrote



aM3o03 OP t1_iydi359 wrote



Dartister t1_iydwygc wrote

Posta? Hace mil que no compro una coca, capas deberia comprar devuelta (?
Jajaja cuando fue este cambio? Para otras gaseosas tambien?


where_is_korg t1_iyeww0o wrote

hace rato jasjsajsj y si, lo pusieron en varios productos distintos


its_Trollcraft t1_iydi9bz wrote

Teremendos genios, muy buena idea marcar el veneno como tal


CheapTactics t1_iydz0a4 wrote

Igual en los valores nutricionales te siguen mintiendo descaradamente


kaliveraz t1_iydrit3 wrote

En Uruguay tenemos también las etiquetas octogonales para exceso de sodio, azúcar y grasas pero no tenemos los otros rectángulos que dicen Evitar en niños


IndominusXero t1_iydq2i2 wrote

And fired all the cartoon mascots from cereal boxes. That was a trip to see.


garrapatalaser t1_iydle21 wrote

Y con la excusa de la ley de etiquetado que en realidad llevaba 20 impuestos encubiertos


pink_life69 t1_iydpuuq wrote

Avoid in children. - Good to know, I’ll only eat children who don’t drink coke from now on!


riddus t1_iydxb22 wrote

They were doing this in Mexico when I was there around this time last year. I don’t know if it will be effective, but at least people are informed.


kittyqueenkaelaa t1_iye37xj wrote

Saw a women at Costco putting CocaCola in her babies bottle..


Fizzixxz t1_iye3ac5 wrote

Damn what is that a 4 liter bottle?


Boolyman t1_iye577q wrote

Warnings like these seem pointless to me. I don't think there is a sane adult in this world that doesn't already know soda is full of sugar. It's like those labels you read on a bottle of bleach that says "Do Not Drink". If someone is stupid enough to drink it... a label aint gonna help.


NuthaLevel t1_iye7efr wrote

conversely here in america, Nickelodeon airs anxiety and depression meds adverts.


DTS_Sanchez t1_iyebpib wrote

Is this in Mexico? I was recently in Mexico and got a bunch of candy and snacks with the same warnings.


Abject-Picture t1_iyelfu4 wrote

Fat americans see this as a challenge.


abejadeazucar t1_iyemfig wrote

In Mexico we have something quite similar, except in every food/drink (excess sugar, caffeine, calories, etc). It's a very useful way of educating people on what they're ingesting.


Clemenx00 t1_iyemg4g wrote

That can't stop me because I can't read.


sweeting89 t1_iyeypg4 wrote

Does that say minister for salad?


Butters_999 t1_iyf9udv wrote

Hollywood could learn a lot from this warning


_D3ft0ne_ t1_iyfchhd wrote

Just got back from Mexico, was a nice surprise to see those.


OhioCentrist t1_iydjmsw wrote

Caffeine is no joke. Im convinced it is the leading cause of neurosis here in the United States.


arcosapphire t1_iye2s76 wrote

There's so much about the positive and negative effects of caffeine. It clearly has meaningful effects, but whether it's a net positive or negative or whether there are certain amounts that are ideal seems up in the air.

I do think it's crazy that people treat caffeine addiction like it's normal or even something to be proud of though. "Hey, you know I can't do anything until my third cup of coffee!" Like...that's not okay...


Shadowsnivy t1_iye0m9w wrote

Can caffeine do that? I’m actually curious


OhioCentrist t1_iye4ata wrote

In short? Yep! Go down the rabbit hole, its intense.


Shadowsnivy t1_iyebt67 wrote

Oh, it’s above a certain caffeine ingestion daily tho right? I drink a cup of tea or sometimes two a day.


OhioCentrist t1_iyeevbv wrote

Individual body chemistry varies widely, some are certainly more prone to mental disorder. Sensitivity to caffeine is something that can change with exposure, age, and a myriad of other factors. I always encourage people to experiment with sobriety; simply abstain from your habit. My own experiences with withdrawl from even small amounts, 35-70mg daily, were enough to convince me its best to avoid the daily habit.


Shadowsnivy t1_iyeg0if wrote

Oh.. my family is prone to mental disorders. My great grandmother has schizophrenia and my mother has schizophrenia as well. Im also showing some schizophrenic tendencies with times. Do you recommend I don’t drink caffeine at all? I don’t do any drugs anymore, I just drink tea now.


OhioCentrist t1_iyet17e wrote

I encourage experimentation. Try not drinking tea for a week. Do you have any caffeine withdrawl symptoms; headache, irritability, depression, nausea? If yes, consider pushing the bounds, try abstaining for several weeks. Compare how you feel waking up and what your presence of mind is during the hours you would normally be consuming tea. Try to get a feel for your quality of sleep; the dreams the first week coming off can be memorable! After all this, grab a cup of tea and see just how euphoric it can be. Our bodies are amazing things and sometimes we are rewarded for paying them a bit more mind.

All of this said, I am not a medical professional, take these words at your own risk.



kaljalla t1_iydsrp2 wrote

But still they sell ridiculously big bottles assuming you are from mexico. Am i right?


aM3o03 OP t1_iydt915 wrote

Im from Argentina but they do sell pretty big coke bottles here